Fuck me! So many options; ok up to level 126 so light is at the end of the tunnel to start putting together semi synergistic teams and i've spent alot of time reading through mechanics on additive vs multipler damage formula etc. So without out further delay, below are my 2 options! And god damnit i'm focusing on one of the two so any input would be great (will be expanding to be flexible as time progresses obviously but as a core team that can get me through alot of various stuff)
Avant - Leader; BB buff damage, crit buffs, more BB buff and attack buff as well as spark vulnerability
Charla - Coming up tomorrow and I WILL get her as she solves 90% of all my team issues. Highest crit damgae buff, plethora of BB regain options, heals, and status cleanse. Literially does everything, what an OP person
Laberd - Mitigation, BB gain on damage, def buff (redundant), chance to reduce attack of enemey, and ES for additional BB regain for himself (think its self only?) which helps ensure mitigation is up always
Hadaron - Unfortunately redudant on def & crit hit chance but he is on the team to destory single targets period, benefits from spark+BB + crit buffs from team and i believe will destoy all
Fill - I'm abit torn on this one, until i have the team all fielded i'm not sure where i will sit with regards to BB generation which is extremely important to keep Hadaron in action especially with the sounds of later end game reducing BB gen. I have a variety of ways i can go with this (Chrome for more spark damage and dark damage buff on 3 of the 5, Griff for 2 ele buff as well as BB fill reduction which i'm missing on the team but he adds alot of redundancy on ES crit chance, crit buff). Also could go Tridon who i plan on using mainly as a friend for his LS + awesome kit across the board but if i have him on my team that will free up a spot for one of the coveted people i don't have)
Friend - Tridon unless i put him in as fill
Main advantages above it covers literally almost every core skill set of value and only is missing a few fluff ones that when you dig into the numbers are basically useless. Damage while being crit focus still has both LS & BB boosts to BB damage (300% total), Spark buff, as well as the crit rate/crit damage so even with a variety of resists on end game bosses it covers basically all situations well. If i got Chrome i "think" that 75% damage for my 3 dark units is a flat multipler isn't it? It doesn't say weakness in the description so I don't think it applies to the ele weakness multipler and is just flat . Regardless of that fill spot i should have solid BB gen and with Tridon as a friend i am covered for surviability combined with Labred and Charla's HoT and insta heal. THE ONLY WEAKNESS i can honestly see with this team setup is no elemental attack skills which from reading abusing ele weakness is one of the top core increases to damage. If i got Griff I do add 2 ele's to the table plus better BB fill but still....am i gimping my end game capability with limited/no weakness applications
Leader - Griff (Crit buff + BB gauge fill on Crit damage and attack buff on LS; adds 2 elements, and BB fill with redudant crit damge and crit hit with charla)
Libera - 2 ele buff, HC/BC increase, BB fill on damage taken, redudant def buff, attack buff based off Rec. Nothing special but fills the void on improving BB fill and gives us the 2 eles
Kantz - Provides dark/light ele attack, mitigtation, and semi redundancy with extra heals and cleanse but you its good not to have 2 options on heal depending if charla is SBB'ing
Charla - Same as above, spark damage, heals, HoTs, Crit damage/rate, jfc OP!
Hadaron - The benefactor of all the above, solid buffs to most key damage contriubtors and most importantly full spectrum of elemental attacks so he will always have that modifer on his insane damage.
Friend - Tridon; 100% no exceptions for any hard content due to LS + shield
Pro's: Ele weakness modifer depending on situation is the highest contriubting damage modifer it sounds like late game so the entire team gains significant value without having to try and swap out 1 person for specific fights against certain ele's (i do have that ability with my existing 7 stars which i could technically do on team 1 with my fill position I guess but there are plenty of multi target fights with different eles). Just about the best possible BB generation team you can field with almost every single means of BB gen covered (has griff's flat BB fill reduction + crit damage BB fill over TEAM 1). Flexiability with 2 heals/cleanses is good to
Con's: Missing a BB damage buff, 300% from the above team unfortunately and missing a BB based attack buff compared to the above team 1. Some unavoidable redundancy on both teams but its limited all things considered.
I guess main question is will the better BB and ele attack application buffs out weigh the loss of the mass BB damage buff & attack from team 1 plus whatever benefit my fill provides? Both teams will take some retooling for me and frog spheres and BB skill buffs are scarce so I need to finalize a course and head that way. Charla coming out tomorrow opened all of this up for me thus the change in direction. Any thoughts from you theroy crafters is always appreciated!
Also my account is 5985539078 if anyone wants to add me, let me know what leader you want. I have 7* with ult on Chrome, Laberd, Libera, Griff, Michelle, Elimo, and soon to be Krantz/Avant/Charla/tridon/hadaron pending prioritys from direction i go.
Edit - Think i found my fill eventually if i go team 1; Lucius doesn't hardly have any redudancy, adds %HP, adds attack via convert of HP, and ES negates crit and ele damage (assuming self only?). Also adds bb fill on bb/sbb + gets me my missing fill rate (40% to boot!). Team 1 covers everything possible basically outside of the ele damage attack application ....is that enough?