Yeah, I guess the team setup is what kills me. I want to basically have spheres be "unlocked" so I can use a FH team with specific sphere setups and Coli team with specific spheres and an Arena team with specific spheres...For me it's a less awful grind than ca since you can get points over time and buy rewards, and the amount you play is limited by tickets. Ca is basically 3 weeks of fh with no limit on the amount you play.
What's your setup for imp farming? With the new autobattle I'm tempted to try and setup a speed clear team.I'll probably switch my arena team to match my colessium team to avoid that issue. The only sphere I have to move is my skyharbinger for imp farming.
I can't program in "Fujin and then autobattle"Griff with a demon core and skyharbinger. No friend, no other teammates. Fujin and hit autobattle.
Now Atro takes a strong lead in my "first OE" poll!Starting tommorow omni atro will be great for imp farming. With sacred crystal, phantom gizmo, an elgif that regens at least 3 BC per round, and the SP option to regen bc at the start of turn, atro gets bb every round automatically, even round 1 (without needing a fujin). Can get up to 34+ imp runs per key, depending on the loading speed of your device using auto-quest.
What are the recommendations?I'm about 80 energy and 90 slots away from the atro method.
Doesn't help that the largest pool of "uneven split stats" for imp cap is Attack followed by HP.I try to time my imp runs close to a levelup. I'll get to close to 12,000 xp away from lvl, then run imps at full energy. Each imp run is 1000 exp, and with my 180'ish energy bar, the last imp run will level me, refilling the bar. During half energy vortex, can do the same thing without having to sync with a levelup.
What I find the biggest headache with imp runs are the shitty blue imps. Random gonna be random, but I swear I get 2-4 blue imps to every red imp. I have multiple 7* units maxed on imps except reds just waiting till I get more.
That's a waste, considering type can change as you evolve them. The starter's level cap is obscenely high, so it's not that big a deal (especially since atk is nearly the same on all of them except breaker).Finished farming all 6 starters. Went with anima atro, lance, magress, and breaker eze, vargas, selena. I got the starter type within 2-6 runs on everyone except atro. For atro's dungeon I had to refill energy with gems twice, as well as a levelup before finally getting anima. I was also going to farm for a breaker atro (didn't get that typing either yet) but as I think about it, the round 1 atro build for imp farming only really gets you a few extra runs per key. The resources to raise another unit from 2 star to omni, then raise their bb, imp them, etc... I figure it's not really even worth it. I'll just use my anima atro with a normal SP setup to imp farm. Getting ~25'ish runs per key with round 1 basic attack is good enough for me.