Brave Frontier


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So I took it upon myself to do Miracle Totems today. I knew I would "get by" last week, but I didnt want to fall flat and chance it - so I leveled my units up instead. Today, my first run I had a Dark Totem, a Light Totem and a Lightning Totem all before even reaching the Miracle Totem on the last fight and died at like 15% on him, so I used a Gem. I was ashamed and I still feel bad about sucking
. But I needed like 4 Miracle Totems, and was thinking "Ok, I was really lucky to have all those totems pop up but also unlucky that they all popped up on me at my skill level.

This time, maybe I wont be so "Lucky!" lol" I chose to go with Tesla this time as a Leader skill and and also Grahdens. Since my water team wasnt doing that much damage to begin with at a 50% modifier, with BB Huge Boost leader skills. I ran into a water totem and another Light totem this round and they were easy just as before and I didnt really notice anything. When I got to the Miracle Totem, I used the Water Defense/Attack Runes - Holy shit, Grahdens make the miracle totems attacks combined with that other shit look like a small child is trying to beat you up. Fight lasted 11 or 12 rounds, but after the first two sets of Runes, I stopped using them too and not once did I ever use another item. Was quite an enjoyable change of pace. Thanks whoever uses Grahdens. Love him for stuff like that!

Ko Dokomo_sl

My first miracle totem run went ok. Multi-color took it down even after hitting a 4 aoe turn. Then I used the gem to pull a rare summon and got my third Homusubi/Kagutsuhi. Sigh . . .


Not sure how 'experienced' you are, Elurin, so discount this if you already knew...

But keep your Lira at 9BB, if you use her for Arena. At 10BB/1SBB, her braveburst becomes single target.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not sure how 'experienced' you are, Elurin, so discount this if you already knew...

But keep your Lira at 9BB, if you use her for Arena. At 10BB/1SBB, her braveburst becomes single target.
I didn't realize the BB did, I thought that was just the SBB. That's pretty crap.


Well, her BB stays the same. But the problem is that units in the arena will sometimes hold onto their BB if they have a SBB available and the big draw for Lira is how easy it is for her BB gauge to fill.

Just some food for thought.



In the arena, your units will either a) Normal attack, b) Use their BB, or c) Use their SBB. If their BB is full, but they have unlocked their SBB, they will sometimes just do a normal attack, to help fill their SBB gauge. Alternatively, if they have an SBB, they will sometimes use their BB the moment it is available, instead of saving to use their SBB.


Man I have 5 or more of every idol color except fire.. and I need more fire idols than anything else... did 3 more idol runs in the surprise evolution dungeon before it expired, got about 13 idols, none of them fire, had to sell them all for 13,000 zel to save space... fuuuuuuuck


<WoW Guild Officer>
Wait, what surprise evolution dungeon? Fucking...

I've still not rolled a decent dark unit, and I'm sitting on a shitload of dark evolution materials :|

Also, anyone know a good place to farm high-cure materials? I can't get enough red drops.


They added the tuesday dungeon to the vortex yesterday evening for only like 10 hours or something (to compensate for server issues last tuesday), it expired this morning.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I was able to run a spirit and idol last night, and the "leave the vortex zone you want up until your energy fills" trick has let me do an extra run of everything lately. So I ran miracle totem this morning again.


<WoW Guild Officer>
They added the tuesday dungeon to the vortex yesterday evening for only like 10 hours or something (to compensate for server issues last tuesday), it expired this morning.
yeah just saw that. man, fuck them for that and not announcing it before releasing it. I'd have done a bunch more idol runs.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Any idea when the next 'good' time to roll will be? Know that is pretty subjective depending on what I need and all, but thought I remembered someone saying that there was a new series being released soon and they were good to wait for.


Well - noticed a discount on the store (on my phone anyway) so I snagged 12 gems for 2 rolls:

4 * Anima Magic Riffs Eric (25% boots to rainbow / dark attack on all + light affinity)
5* Guardian (boooo) Fire God Lava (50% attack to fire / 10 combo fire to all)

I'll take it.

Here's the rest of what I have, still rolling rainbow till I can level everything up. Will probably have to swap in Eric when I level him up a bit more...? No idea really.

5* Fire God Vargas (Lord) - Level Max
3* Rage Beast Zegar (Breaker) - Level 22
4* Drake Lord Aisha (Guardian) - Level 1
4* Red Axe Michele (Breaker) - Level 23
5* Fire God Lava (Guardian) - Level 1

3* Plunderer Verica (Guardian) - Level 28
3* Captain Mega (Guardian) - Level 38
3* Dean (Breaker) - Level Max
4* Polar Angel Tiara (Guardian) - Level 53
4* Snow Cub Signas (Guardian) - Level Max
4* Dragoon Zephu (Guardian) - Level 16

3* Titania (Guardian) - Level Max
4* Earthly Il & Mina (Breaker) - Level Max

4* Commander Weiss (Anima) - Level 18
4* Shock Mage Rashil (Breaker) - Level Max

3* Knight Atro (Lord) - Level Max
3* Angel Maria (Anima) - Level 1
4* Legionary Melchio (Guardian) - Level 36
4* White Lebra (Anima) - Level Max
4* Light Blade Alyut (Breaker) - Level 38
3* Wyvern (Oracle) - Level 1

4* Half Blood Lira (Breaker) - Level Max
3* Xenon (Guardian) - Level Max
4* Magic Riffs Eric (Anima) - Level 30

Currently Running:
Earthly Il & Mina (sometimes leader)
Shock Mage Rashil (sometimes leader)
White Lebra
Half Blood Lira
Snow Cub Signas