Brekk's Seat Announcement Thread 2016

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This thread is for announcing the candidacy for Brekk's seat. Anyone can announce their candidacy for this seat by posting in this thread with a candidacy speech. Anyone can nominate another member (who is not currently a mod) by posting in this thread also. I will put the candidacy speeches in the OP in alphabetical order based on username.

Please see:Moderator Election 2016 HQfor details.


I nominate myself for this seat.

Rerolled needs to be a place where people can exchange ideas freely and be judged on the merits of their words.

Here's what I will do to bring us closer to that goal:
- Mostly nothing. I'm a lazy fuck.
- Infract people who abuse the report function to complain about someone who hasn't broken any rules. Oh, you disagree with him? Grow the fuck up.
- Infract people who spam shitposts as a way to protest a member they disagree with. If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, shut the fuck up and let people capable of rational discussion explain themselves and back up their ideas without being distracted by your garbage.
- Ensure that the SJW-style tactics of "feels before facts" and looking for things to be offended by are highlighted for what they are in order to keep discussions relevant and productive. People who continue to derail discussions with these or similar tactics will be infracted or RRPed.
- Repeated complaints about any member's posting habits (that don't involve breaking any rules) will lead to that member being forcibly put on your ignore list. Continued complaints will lead to infractions. If you can't handle people expressing ideas you don't like, find another message board.
- I'm not going to ban personal attacks aimed at other members. Part of a free and open exchange of ideas is being able to call people on their bullshit, and you don't have to do that with a rose and an apology card. However, attacks that have no merit and can't be backed up by things that member has actually said will lead to infractions, so if you're going to toss around some heated labels, you'd better be ready to put your money where your mouth is.

I'm not going to set notifications to appear on my cell phone. You can contact me whenever you like, but don't be surprised if I don't get back to you for a while. I'm not going to go looking for examples of the behaviors I described, but if they happen to cross my path I will deal with them. I have no doubt my objectivity would come into question when enforcing my policies, but I assure you that these doubts are unfounded. I have no intention of giving preferential treatment to ideas that lean in a certain direction. I just want to keep actual discussions based on reason and logic from getting derailed with obnoxious shitposts that turn the thread into unreadable garbage. All perspectives, even those I strongly disagree with, have value if they are backed up with logic and reason.

Why Brekk's seat? Basically because I have no idea who that is.

Let's make Rerolled a bastion of productive and intelligent discussion! Looking forward to your support.

- Tanoomba


Murder Apologist
I'll nominate LITHOSE for this seat.

The Brekk seat will be the battleground election to watch.


Murder Apologist
They're already overrepresented a proportion of the population bro.



Ssraeszha Raider
I nominate myself for this seat.

Rerolled needs to be a place where people can exchange ideas freely and be judged on the merits of their words.

Here's what I will do to bring us closer to that goal:
- Mostly nothing. I'm a lazy fuck.
- Infract people who abuse the report function to complain about someone who hasn't broken any rules. Oh, you disagree with him? Grow the fuck up.
- Infract people who spam shitposts as a way to protest a member they disagree with. If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, shut the fuck up and let people capable of rational discussion explain themselves and back up their ideas without being distracted by your garbage.
- Ensure that the SJW-style tactics of "feels before facts" and looking for things to be offended by are highlighted for what they are in order to keep discussions relevant and productive. People who continue to derail discussions with these or similar tactics will be infracted or RRPed.
- Repeated complaints about any member's posting habits (that don't involve breaking any rules) will lead to that member being forcibly put on your ignore list. Continued complaints will lead to infractions. If you can't handle people expressing ideas you don't like, find another message board.
- I'm not going to ban personal attacks aimed at other members. Part of a free and open exchange of ideas is being able to call people on their bullshit, and you don't have to do that with a rose and an apology card. However, attacks that have no merit and can't be backed up by things that member has actually said will lead to infractions, so if you're going to toss around some heated labels, you'd better be ready to put your money where your mouth is.

I'm not going to set notifications to appear on my cell phone. You can contact me whenever you like, but don't be surprised if I don't get back to you for a while. I'm not going to go looking for examples of the behaviors I described, but if they happen to cross my path I will deal with them. I have no doubt my objectivity would come into question when enforcing my policies, but I assure you that these doubts are unfounded. I have no intention of giving preferential treatment to ideas that lean in a certain direction. I just want to keep actual discussions based on reason and logic from getting derailed with obnoxious shitposts that turn the thread into unreadable garbage. All perspectives, even those I strongly disagree with, have value if they are backed up with logic and reason.

Why Brekk's seat? Basically because I have no idea who that is.

Let's make Rerolled a bastion of productive and intelligent discussion! Looking forward to your support.

- Tanoomba
I second this tard just for the lulz when he loses


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I will announce my incumbent candidacy. I will continue to stand are on my record of total inaction and non-intervention.

In all reality I take pride in peoples surprise that I have mod powers at all. I don't believe in moderating beyond the absolute minimum. The internet and forums in particular are a beautiful place that flourish because of open and free communication. With very few exceptions (illegal content, personal information of others) I don't believe in getting involved. Even trolls have their place, everyone having a common foe can bring us all together.

The only thing I offer as a moderator is a evenhanded viewpoint as a member of this community for the past 13 years, with upwards of 10K posts when it was FoH, and early involvement to help transition foh into rerolled the online community we know and love. I voice my opinion when it comes to general decisions in the moderator section as they relate to the community, whether its how to handle an insidious troll, or where the line is drawn in gray areas such as racist posting.

I have definitely shifted to more of a lurker role on rerolled versus foh, but I'm still here everyday. I just choose quality over quantity. In that regard I would be happy to relinquish my actual mod powers as I rarely, if ever use them. I would however like to retain access to the mod section in a more advisory role, my involvement as a mod has always been from that approach.

I am brekk, and God Bless Rerolled.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Because the vote for decent human beings will be split between Brekk and Lithose, and we don't want some Adolf Hitler-esque situation where Moon Bat wins because of a split vote, I'm nominating Rescorla for this position so that the tard vote will also be divided.


You can choose whatever seat you want to run for, Hodj. You're not obligated to run for the seat you were nominated for. Heck, you haven't even accepted your nomination or made your candidacy speech yet.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You can choose whatever seat you want to run for, Hodj. You're not obligated to run for the seat you were nominated for. Heck,you haven't even accepted your nomination or made your candidacy speech yet.
Nowhere is this required when you have been nominated by others.

This thread is for announcing the candidacy for Brekk's seat. Anyone can announce their candidacy for this seat by posting in this thread with a candidacy speech. Anyone can nominate another member (who is not currently a mod) by posting in this thread also. I will put the candidacy speeches in the OP in alphabetical order based on username.

Please see:Moderator Election 2016 HQfor details.

1. The following seats are up for a vote. If a new moderator is chosen, the seat is renamed:
1.Adam12's Seat
2.Braen's Seat
3.Brekk's Seat
4.Chaos' Seat
5.Erronius' Seat
6.Eyashusa' Seat
7.Noodlemod's Seat
8.Screamfeeder's Seat
9.Soygen's Seat
10.Tarrant's Seat
11.Tuco's Seat
12.Urgoslav's Seat

2. Anyone can announce their candidacy for the seat by posting in that thread with a candidacy speech. Anyone can nominate another member (who is not currently a mod) by posting in that thread also. Incumbents MUST post their desire for re-election. I will put the candidacy speeches in the OP in alphabetical order based on username.

3. Posters can post their official endorsements in those threads also.

4. In February, a_skeleton_03 will make a poll thread for each of the candidates in the comments forum. Users will have 1 week to vote. The voting will be anonymous.

5. Draegan is responsible for swearing in the winners.

Addendum 1: All moderators will be held to some code that amounts to, "Don't make Teljair restore a backup of the forum." Penalty for breaking of this rule may result in demotion and banning.
Addendum 2: Recalls and impeachment can be had with a 70% vote threshold.
Addendum 3: you can run for one seat. You can change which seat it is before voting.


A Mod Real Quick
Lot of people can't follow the rules. A lot of voting In chaos thread even though this is the nomination round


Poet Warrior
Tuco set up a clusterfuck of a system. Head on over to his nomination thread and vote formeduring the nomination round. Nevermind the rules, vote fast and vote often! I promise to have better elections when I am AMOD. This shit will make sense.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I want to nominate myself for this seat. Because frankly i'm a better choice that a moon bat.

Imagine what would happens if a moon bat becomes a mod. Don't let that happen, vote for me.


Registered Hutt
I fourth Rescorla for this seat, and vote for him times infinity+2.

Thank you Brekk for my new sig.


Registered Hutt
Without coordinating with the Brekk campaign in the slightest, my PAC, Shitty Posters for Abstinent Mods, has crafted this media.

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