We watched it in a group and overall we liked it. We fully intended to rip into the movie MST3k style but spent most of the time quiet and actually enjoying the film aside from the occasional "damn elves are badasses" comment.
The overall story of cop + partner that encounters macguffin is fairly standard. One person in the group kept bringing up AlienNation, which was a fair charge since you could easily replace Joel Edgerton's character with Mandy Patenkin and call it a day. The look and feel of the orcs was quite well done, mostly through old fashioned prosthetic makeup but in a way that allowed them the freedom to have proper facial expressions. The people who make Star Trek Discovery could learn from this I feel...
What floored us collectively was the world building. Holy crap that was awesome. Lots of stuff in the background about the Dark Lord and the general history of the world without resorting to full-on exposition. Not only that but there's a lot of details like the dragon you see flying up by the moon in one shot and the presence of the centaur police in the background of a couple scenes. Of course it makes perfect sense to have centaur's on the police force in place of mounted cops but the effect was done very well and completely understated.
I feel there is a much better story to be told in this world than the one we got. Clearly the Dark Lord is gonna be an issue, but even beyond that big bad there's plenty to mine here. We know of Elves, Humans, Orcs and Centaurs... who were the other 5 of the 9 races? I saw one short guy who may have been a dwarf/goblin/gnome, but he could have just been a little person. Would have been nice to see more of elf-town and the ultra luxury that seems to be afforded the racial 1%ers.
Clearly there is a lot of social justice stuff writ large here. Elves are the rich and famous, Orcs are the poor people who have shit jobs and are disproportionally represented in the military, yet they are not in the police. Obviously the Orcs sided with the Dark Lord 2000 years ago, but it was an Orc who led the armies of the 9 races to defeat him thus is seems a bit strange that people still have a lot of orc hatred.
Can Brights do anything without a wand? Where do they come from? I liked how they treated magic as a complete game changer but I would have hoped for a bit of 'low level' magic that didn't need a wand to power it. Was interesting that the wand seemed to exact a toll on her when she used it, rather like 'drain' in Shadowrun, but clearly she was able to recover as we see no signs of the black corruption stuff when she walks through the crowd later.