Yeah I think that's why I find it so disappointing. They took what could have been a cool world, something pretty unique in film as well, and they watered it down into a boilerplate Will Smith movie. I'm not too good for a Will Smith movie, he's a funny charming guy, I'd probably fuck him. It's just a total waste of the opportunity though, and makes for a mediocre movie when it could have been something special.It was a rehash of the dysfunctional buddy cop movie as far as the story goes, so I agree with Chaos. I think Ladro probably meant the back drop and world building were fresh. Shadowrun style worlds haven't been a major media IP outside of gaming.
Brights breadcrumb trail was seen a mil away with the fresh Prince of bright air, the world building was nice, even though it's basic orcs elves and shit... It wasn't ham fisted.
What I didn't understand is will Smith can't afford to live in a house next to some gangster dindus on a cop AND, Nurses salary?
Will Smith discovering that he's a bright isn't supposed to be a revelation to the audience because as others have said, it's alluded to several times. We just didn't how he'd ultimately wield that power. I just don't understand why Nick never said anything given what he was told by the Shield of Light disciple.
Elves are gentrifying the neighborhood. It started with a Mirkwood boutique coffee shop and artisan mythril aged cheese shops.
i'm kind of at a loss for how i think the world at large should have been handled. i mean, the setting basically demanded some kind of voiceover that explained... SOMETHING in the first 3 minutes. but on the other hand, i really appreciate just being dropped into a small story in a big world.
dislike walls of text in the beginning of movies to explain. good movies do it without the text, introducing you seamlessly to the world... not that this was really a good movie, but some fresh ideas and at least trying on some points.
Honestly, it really looked like the "good" areas were reserved for the Elves, so Will Smiff living in a shitty area even on big public servant/nurse income sort of makes sense. Like quite literally humans are middle class with Elves as upper and Orcs as lower.
Not heavy on the world building though, even with all the Dark Lord graffiti. Even a two minute discussion of recent events would have done wonders. The crazy barbarian guy with the claymore would have been a decent spot to give that a go.