Indian? lolWth is this. Is it an India rap song about all the die hard movies
shit, ive been rocking with him since Moonlighting started.
thats a bad break, god bless you man.
i remember actually being salty he left TV to make action movies. i was like, but he was so good in Moonlighting. he cant be Arnold. it took me a little bit to get used to the idea that he could be good in action films. when he did Die Hard 2 and then Hudson Hawk, people (critics) were saying ahh he was a one hit wonder. i fucking loved Hudson Hawk, i saw that twice at the theater. i even liked Die Hard 2. he was so good in the 90s, i think Pulp Fiction really sold his career. mid 2000s things started collapsing for him. i think his rep of being hard to work with finally caught up with him.Tuesday nights were reserved for Moonlighting. I loved that show.
Hudson Hawk was so dumbi remember actually being salty he left TV to make action movies. i was like, but he was so good in Moonlighting. he cant be Arnold. it took me a little bit to get used to the idea that he could be good in action films. when he did Die Hard 2 and then Hudson Hawk, people (critics) were saying ahh he was a one hit wonder. i fucking loved Hudson Hawk, i saw that twice at the theater. i even liked Die Hard 2. he was so good in the 90s, i think Pulp Fiction really sold his career. mid 2000s things started collapsing for him. i think his rep of being hard to work with finally caught up with him.
it is dumb and campy, but its hilarious and a lot of fun with quotable lines throughout. the only people i know who hated that movie only said so because everyone universally hates Sandra Bernhardt, she's like Ruby Rod in Fifth Element. you either hated Chris Tucker in that movie or you thought he was so over the top flaming faggot that you cant help but laugh your ass off. i grew up in the 70s where over the top flaming faggot was a hoot.Hudson Hawk was so dumb
I've probably only seen it a half dozen or so times
i remember it being boringanyone remember color of night? it was a big hub bub back then in 94 cuz i think it was nc17 or close to it and the controversy was it was made by a disney subsidiary
i noticed this went up on torrents, wonder if its worth a watch. pretty horrific RT/imdb ratings but... well, i got nothing
But how are you supposed to get off if you can't follow the plot?
Looper was good and probably his last good movie.the last movie of his that i remember enjoying was Red, and to a lesser degree Red 2. notice that i didn't say his last "good" movie, just the last i remember enjoying. am i missing anything of his since then?