Like a lot of other people have said, I refuse to use Wal-Mart. There is clearly more then enough evidence on how slimy they are if anyone really wants to know. Anyone who supports them that has the means and funds to go elsewhere and doesn't, is clearly anti-business, anti-worker, and dare I say it, anti-American.
I was a long time BofA customer (20+ years) and last year we left them over a bunch of bullshit they pulled on us and other family members, and I won't be using them again if I can help it.
I also refuse to use Amazon after my first and only transaction with them. When they first opened and I thought I'd give them a shot, they decided to send my 7 item order one item at a time and charge me shipping each time, which was more then the items were worth. I've since been informed they no longer do this, but fuck 'em.