Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Jesus Christ.

Well, I guess that just proves that homosexuality reeducation camps do work after all. Time to start rounding them up.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah evidently if her mother spent more time teaching her to suck dicks, she would have been straight. Have fun with that argument at the next She-woman Penis Haters club meeting. If only her mother had trained her to love the cock she would be sucking literal dick, instead of metaphorical dick in this thread.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Is she really claiming that people "learn" to be gay?
If I had to make some guesses I'd say a few abnormally wired circuits in the brain cause them to model/emulate the "incorrect" observed gender roles and sex behaviors.

Trying to be PC but clearly transgender/homosexuality is not normal functioning behavior. It's maladaptive by definition. Very few people would CHOOSE to be gay if it was a choice, but that doesn't mean it's not affected by external influences.

Given enough time and the right incentives I'm sure you could use behavioral psychology to condition just about any behavior into or out of people, so re-education would work just fine. Another example of 'just because the science supports it doesn't make it the morally right thing to do.'

The science of learning is something I know a lot about and the science of sex is not something I've really studied at all so I can't tell you.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Mist, so youre saying its possible to reprogram your own lesbianism?

And that your own carpet munching was a choice?

Jive Turkey

If I had to make some guesses I'd say a few abnormally wired circuits in the brain cause them to model/emulate the "incorrect" observed gender roles and sex behaviors.
shoes horn 01.jpg

Jive Turkey

It would be crazy to think that abnormal androgen exposure at particular points in the brain's development in utero would be the cause.... totally crazy.....

Honestly, how can you feel comfortable cramming your hypothesis in here? It's so obviously wrong


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Mist, so youre saying its possible to reprogram your own lesbianism?

And that your own carpet munching was a choice?
When I said few people would choose to be gay I was referring to the constant, incorrectly constructed "choice" vs "born that way" binary. There are actually plenty of other options besides those two. You could not be born that way but life experiences could alter your sexuality. Or you could be born in a way that makes you model abnormal sexual behaviors over the course of your development but you weren't actually BORN liking hot dude on dude action.

But I'm definitely sure some small percentage of people would choose to be gay for the same reason some people choose to be hipsters. Some people just make choices to be fucking contrary to make a statement.

So I don't think you can make any blanket statement on why a given person is gay because it could be a bunch of different factors or a combination of many.

I always thought the highly politicized "choice" vs "born that way" argument was stupid because even if it WAS a choice, we live in a free society and people should be allowed to make whatever life choices they want so long as they don't harm other people.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It would be crazy to think that abnormal androgen exposure at particular points in the brain's development in utero would be the cause.... totally crazy.....

Honestly, how can you feel comfortable cramming your hypothesis in here? It's so obviously wrong
Just because it could be one cause doesn't mean it's the only possible cause. A variety of different things could make any given person gay.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure you'll claim victory with their prison example, but hopefully you'll recognize how empty a victory it truly is

Again, adult brains. Also correlational. Maybe being gay caused their brain to develop that way, rather than their brain being that way caused them to be gay? Or maybe a third factor caused both. You don't seem to understand what "correlation does not imply causality" means.

Jive Turkey

Again, adult brains. Also correlational. Maybe being gay caused their brain to develop that way, rather than their brain being that way caused them to be gay? Or maybe a third factor caused both. You don't seem to understand what "correlation does not imply causality" means.
You didn't read the article. They discussed that.

That's the second time you've thrown that phrase around as if it magically makes evidence against your evidence-free hypothesis disappear

Jive Turkey

Here, let me lead you by the hand:

" "This was a study that was waiting to be done, because it leads so clearly from the current literature," she said.

Recent work by Witelson and colleagues indicated that the corpus callosum, a long fiber tract that connects the two brain hemispheres, was larger in gay men than in heterosexual men.

Brain features such as the corpus callosum and amygdalae develop very early, suggesting they are primarily genetically determined, she said. "

Jive Turkey

Androgen exposure determines the size of the corpus callosum. coincidence? Oh wait, correlation doesn't imply causality... my mistake


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You didn't read the article. They discussed that.

That's the second time you've thrown that phrase around as if it magically makes evidence against your evidence-free hypothesis disappear
It's not evidence against. It does nothing to refute the hypothesis. And what part exactly is evidence-free? That behavior modelling and incentive/reward/reinforcement schedules are powerful enough to reshape human behavior? There's 70 fucking years of easily reproducible behavioral psychology that can do that.

Would you kindly stop this stupid argument?

Jive Turkey

What's not evidence against?? You JUST read that specific brain structures are formed differently IN UTERO between the sexes and between gay men and women. That is DIRECT evidence against your hypothesis. Evidence that you just claimed was only in "adult brains" because you didn't read the article properly. And concrete evidence. None of this wishy washy crap you go on about.

Here's another. Buy it if you like, but I don't think you care all that much as it goes against your hunch
