Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I,dumbslutnamegoeshere, formally acknowledge that by entering into this domicile and partaking of any intoxicants contained therein, I implicitly consent to any and all sexual contact, invited or otherwise, and forego any right to claim sexual assault upon my person. Any such claim I may make at any point in the future resulting from any sexual contact occurring during this instance of revelry will be considered a false statement, perjury, slander and violation of this contract.


Ssraeszha Raider
Mist is honestly one of the least likable people I've met in recent memory. Just a pure dogshit person wasting her life in misery.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You have a weird obsession with "frat boys". Projecting so hard.
It's not a weird obsession. Frat parties are one of the few places where underage students have easy access to large amounts of alcohol on campuses. Most campuses severely limit (or outright ban) the possession of alcohol in common dorms.


Unelected Mod
I honestly hope you aren't this fucking miserable when you have students talking to you. Seeing as you see everything through Dumar-colored glasses though, I have a feeling you are a huge demotivator. For all their sakes, I hope I am wrong.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What do girls think is going to happen when they go to frat parties? They go there explicitly to get drunk and hook up. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties is not rape. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties and regretting it tomorrow is not rape. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties and regretting it 10 years later isn't rape.

If we're talking about actual forcible rape, then absolutely, rape is a horrible thing and I'd support castration for those convicted.

If we're going to talk about frat boy regret rape, please shut the fuck up and go back to tumblr.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What do girls think is going to happen when they go to frat parties? They go there explicitly to get drunk and hook up. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties is not rape. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties and regretting it tomorrow is not rape. Getting drunk and hooking up at frat parties and regretting it 10 years later isn't rape.

If we're talking about actual forcible rape, then absolutely, rape is a horrible thing and I'd support castration for those convicted.

If we're going to talk about frat boy regret rape, please shut the fuck up and go back to tumblr.
Hey, I'm with you. Hence the consent form. You have to be a fucking dumbass to go to a frat party, get intoxicated, and not realize what the fuck is going to happen to you.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Hey, I'm with you. Hence the consent form. You have to be a fucking dumbass to go to a frat party, get intoxicated, and not realize what the fuck is going to happen to you.
Should we have a consent form in front of every fast food joint and restaurant too? "This shit will make me fat, agree yes/no" ?? It's so blazingly obvious. Should we etch on the side of guns "do not shoot self in head, death can result" ? Maybe we could have a pop up every time they take the safety off that they have to verbally agree to before they can shoot it. "I will not point this gun at other people except in self defense."

Or maybe, people could stop being fucking stupid.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Sex is a thing that happens to women as far as Mist can tell.
No, rape is a thing that happens to women. It also happens to men. One of those previous "1-in-5" studies with the ridiculously wide definitions of rape was replicated with the same definitions and found 1 in 6 college men were raped.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
No, rape is a thing that happens to women. It also happens to men. One of those previous "1-in-5" studies with the ridiculously wide definitions of rape was replicated with the same definitions and found 1 in 6 college men were raped.
Which ought to tell you how fucking absurd those surveys are. It is about 99% impossible for a woman to rape a man, for a number of reasons. And nobody cares about fags. Not to mention, outside of prison I've never even heard of gay rape.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Should we have a consent form in front of every fast food joint and restaurant too? "This shit will make me fat, agree yes/no" ?? It's so blazingly obvious. Should we etch on the side of guns "do not shoot self in head, death can result" ? Maybe we could have a pop up every time they take the safety off that they have to verbally agree to before they can shoot it. "I will not point this gun at other people except in self defense."

Or maybe, people could stop being fucking stupid.
Hey, tons of US military gear says "This end towards enemy" on it. :p

But no, I disagree. 18 year old (especially white) girls are ridiculously sheltered and naive, now more than ever due to being spoiled and their face stuck in their phones their entire childhood. They see a party, ON CAMPUS, run by a student organization that is sanctioned BY THE SCHOOL, and assume that it is reasonably safe. Yes, that is a VERY stupid thing to assume, but schools aren't educating these girls as to the dangers, instead focusing on 'teaching boys not to rape' which is NOT WORKING OUT WELL. Schools need to be doing both, AND reviewing what kind of student organizations they want to implicitly endorse.


Ssraeszha Raider
Maybe you should teach a class on the subject. Make sure you open up with your thoughts on how stupid you think they are.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Which ought to tell you how fucking absurd those surveys are. It is about 99% impossible for a woman to rape a man, for a number of reasons. And nobody cares about fags. Not to mention, outside of prison I've never even heard of gay rape.
Those previous surveys WERE ridiculous, that's why this new survey specifically picked out specific behaviors then only categorized a smaller subset as rapes. Which is why the numbers they got are very alarming. I talked to the lead contact person for the study via email 3 times today and even she doesn't think those numbers generalize to the population of all college students. I didn't ask her how they chose that particular campus, but it sounds like a scary place.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Maybe you should teach a class on the subject. Make sure you open up with your thoughts on how stupid you think they are.
I train tutors. The first thing I tell them is to assume the students they are helping learned absolutely nothing after the 6th grade and somehow got themselves to college anyway. The tutors generally inform me that was the correct approach.

A whole lot of students on college campuses these days areholy fucking shit-level stupid. Their parents and high school teachers bred a generation of useless know-nothings the likes of which has never been seen in the history of man.