Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare - Starring Kevin Spacey!!


Vyemm Raider
Ive played every CoD in the last 7 years and this is atleast superior to Ghost and BO2 in terms of the MP - The verticality added by jetpacks gets a lil annoying at times but the visuals and style is better and makes up for it just being another CoD game.

Its asstastic that their is no zombies or extinction mode involved and they skimped out and gave us horde mode but overall the MP is solid - i dont know shit about SP since only fairies by CoD for SP but the MP is atleast better than ghost and BO2.

Fortunately the maps are the right size for 6v6 unlike Ghost having those larger maps for no fuckin reason.


FPS noob



So far it's the most fun I've had with the franchise since CoD4. I know that's not saying much, because cod is cod. I liked a lot of ideas titanfall had but hated most of the execution (screens full of worthless fodder moba-creeps, no free-for-all mode, huge maps with only 12 players, the titan battles were simple to the point of being unfun to me, burn cards). This basically is a faster black ops 2 with verticality and better maps imo. Nothing earthshaking, but it was exactly what I was wishing titanfall was. If you like CoD you'll probably love this, but if you don't like cod it won't change your mind.

My biggest gripe with ghosts was that the maps were terrible and huge and made a lot of playstyles feel worthless. The maps on this are tight and small, yet most have long stretches for snipers and ranged encounters as well as lots of hectic multi-level indoor areas where you can do great with shotguns and SMGs. And everything can be approached from a wide variety of angles due to jetpack mobility and kits having stuff like shields, speed, and cloaks.


Couldnt connect to the x1 servers all night. Story seems like its the same stuff, waiting for the inevitable sniper mission.


Confirmed Male
I rented BO2, it felt different that the CoD:MF and MF2. Needless to say I did not like it, and returned it ASAP. I skipped BO, ghosts etc etc. Decided to jump back in with AW. It feels and plays better than BO2 IMHO. SP is pretty good if you are going for trophies, I know a couple of reviews bagged on it, but I found it pretty entertaining. Nothing ground breaking like "all ghullied up" but nonetheless entertaining. I think they have a winner on their hands, although the lack of MP options like Zombies or Horde is dissappointing but not surprising in today's video game release strategy.


Confirmed Male
Im on PS4, should be on the Destiny list of folks. We could start another thread with gamertags if enough interest. I am pretty sure my stint on CoD will be longer than Destiny.


Never understood the hipster hate for COD. It does what it does really well. I'd rather pay 60 a year for graphic upgrades and jet packs whole new story then wait longer for a very risky venture that may not have payed off.

Also I know I'll get raped for saying this but I honestly think Cod is starting to look visually better then BF. I know ALOT more is going on but I reckon it looks WAY better then latest Battlefield cops vs robbers


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's not about hipster hate. It's just the same frustration with sports games, especially madden. Every year you pay full price for what is essentially a dlc roster update. Every 4 years or so they make some sort of engine upgrade or new feature that is somewhat worth full price, but other than that it just feels like we are being nickle and dimes. Except the audience pays for it so what are you gonna do but impotently rage about it?


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Went from going 6-26 in pvp matches to 28-4 with a few easy steps! Here's how you do it: Head over to a torrent site and find a nice large download, like the full Discography/live tracks for U2 or some other life long band. Click the download button and enjoy the 3 hour wait time. Load up PS4 Party chat and have a few buddies to talk too. Doing these two things will make you somewhat laggy thus giving you the upper hand in every firefight. People will pump 17 bullets into you while you just tag them with 5 simple shots and you ghost your way to the next target.

I really love how there are "elite" versions of the guns and the temporary armor pieces. I'm only like level 29 or something and looking forward to some DLC maps and utter nonsense. Also VERY glad they put in classic servers so I don't have to triple check every fucking roof for some jumping asshole, although I do love me some roof domination because people forget to look up in this very multi-tiered map layouts.

I absolutely love reading all the angry people on the gaming forums. It's half the enjoyment of the game for me. "You promised us a month ago for better servers, where are they?" Etc etc etc etc. Every fucking post has "dedicated servers" in it.


Vyemm Raider
So is the xbro version using Ms servers while the PS4 version is using activision's cheap-ass P2P shit?

And what Alas describes is why it's sometimes fun to join the highest ping BF4 server you can find. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on Earth over 300. I don't know where these 800+ shits come from.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We will see if the Multi holds up, over the long haul (assume it will), but the single player is fucking amazing.

The "Advanced Warfare" theme is not just a gimmick... it is drilled into the core of the game and done so well. The in-game tech/gadgets are just advanced enough to be believable and they are so well done it is a blast to play around with. The action is fast and fluid. The set pieces will make your jaw drop. The quick-time event, while still generally annoying, make for great theater.

A lot of shooters are great, but nobody makes shooting a gun feel as good as COD. Quite frankly, I am glad that Battlefield delayed their release till next year. Let me enjoy the COD experience for what it is, without feeling conflicted to divide my time between the two franchises.

This is a 9/10 for me and one of the best offerings in the COD franchise.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
Connection stuff....
I'm convinced that they tweak their code based on stats collected of average players. I'll venture a guess that the average player is a kid living at home with parents who don't pay extra for faster than normal internet. They probably also run wireless with the console in their room.

I've had a similar experience to you. I played CoD at other peoples houses on and off and started playing on XBox with MW3. I sucked terribly but stuck to it because I had fun with friends. They used to joke that they would give me another year of XBox live if I would get 3 kills in a match and I wouldn't...

In MW3 I found that if I tweaked my connection to perform optimally I did great. Then with BO2 and still with Ghosts I had to gimp my connection heavily. In BO2 I just had to stream music on my phone (muted) while playing to do alright. In Ghosts I had to make the XBox wireless, give it low priority on the network, and start streaming 3 HD video streams on my desktop to make the game normal. I could always tell when a stream ended because I would suddenly be way behind and get a negative k/d in a match.

edit: and yes, the salty tears you get when you suddenly have the advantage is glorious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone using the XIM find they aren't nearly as dominating as you might have expected to be? It was nothing to top the charts in a Destiny match on the PS4 but in COD:AW I find knowing the map, how/when to use your exo abilities and mastering the prestige system to be the most effective at increasing your kill count. Having better weapons certainly helps but in a straight up 1on1 fight I don't find the XIM giving me any kind of speed or sensitivty advantage.

Disclaimer: I've only made it to lvl 13 and haven't played CoD in years so it could just be a readjustment experience.


Vyemm Raider
XIM experience should be superior in COD because it has a much higher max turn rate. At least it seemed that way when I jumped into Ghosts while I still had it for free. They may still be tweaking the profile.

Also, COD makes some sort of attempt at skill matchmaking.

Oh, the main thing is the TTK is SO FAST in COD that an autoaim assisted burst can blow you away every bit as fast as a mouse flick.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was wondering why I was the only player under R.45 in the ranked matches I played. The matches I am in have been quite fun because it is a challenge to actually win but I did notice in the kill cam videos that the people I often face were very good at aiming for head shots. I just thought the COD player base was pretty good at FPS games.


FPS noob
yeah TTK is so low that i don't think XIM is gonna matter that much, plus most kills are short distance so scope aiming isn't as important.

I would make such a shitty soldier, I am playing through the SP campaign and the first mission I would just wander off and explore shit. I literally spent 5 minutes just reading the restaurant menus. Future shit is tight as fuck, love the theme of the game. Its hilarious that the intro chapter of a COD game is more interesting and cohesive than all of Destiny.

Apparently all of COD:AW is p2p right now but they will support dedicated servers in a future patch I guess? I don't believe the xbox one is using the microsoft azure cloud stuff but I can't really find a lot that talks about it, just a promise by the devs to implement dedicated servers for all platforms "soon".