Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019


Trakanon Raider
I just got this and surprisingly, I am enjoying it a lot. First CoD game in almost a decade for me, but I messed around with Ghosts and Black Ops very briefly when they were released.

Everything is ultra smooth, fluid, feels good. I think the TTK in Call of Duty has always irked me, I wish it was slightly longer. Hella twitchy.
Loving Ground War a lot so far, it’s Battlefield of Duty basically.

Only major gripe so far is the fucking game has co op mode built for co op play against the AI and it even has offline missions and does NOT support split screen, but online multiplayer DOES support split screen but only in small maps. What the goddamn fuck dude? Lol. When will developers realize that co-op and split screen in particular are actually desirable and hugely popular. One thing that has gone away with the future of gaming that never had any reason to.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Everything is ultra smooth, fluid, feels good. I think the TTK in Call of Duty has always irked me, I wish it was slightly longer. Hella twitchy.
Loving Ground War a lot so far, it’s Battlefield of Duty basically.

Yup, after playing some Warzone for free I was motivated to buy the full game. As a Battlefield purist for 15yrs Ground War fullfills that need perfectly.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well considering how shit the past couple Battlefields have been, not surprising lol
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Molten Core Raider
Well the pros found out about the PKM. META SHIFT!
i noticed this about 3 days ago, alot of people after i kill em are using the LMG's lol Some youtuber put up a load out and since then i seen the shift.


Trakanon Raider
Ground war is only a decent BF filler because the guns feel real good and BF5 was just that subpar.
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Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I miss destructible environments for sure, but I've actually come to like the much more limited vehicles. BF has done such a shit job of balancing vehicles its nice to have a heavy infantry focus.

And credit where credit is due, the impacts unlocks have on the behavior of guns in COD is amazing. The fact that you can tweak the same gun for CQC versus long range and it actually feels different is so refreshing. Battlefield weapon unlocks border on being visual upgrades only the guns don't feel any different.
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FPS noob
this screen pops up now every time before a game, thanks infinity ward i hope [MAGA]N****Killer doesn't kill me cuz black lives matter

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Trakanon Raider
I miss destructible environments for sure, but I've actually come to like the much more limited vehicles. BF has done such a shit job of balancing vehicles its nice to have a heavy infantry focus.

And credit where credit is due, the impacts unlocks have on the behavior of guns in COD is amazing. The fact that you can tweak the same gun for CQC versus long range and it actually feels different is so refreshing. Battlefield weapon unlocks border on being visual upgrades only the guns don't feel any different.

I really miss destructible environments but BF5 toned it way back and it annoyed the shit out of me.

Unlocks and customization is a big reason I still played MW and a reason I dropped BF5. BG5 (and 1) had nothing to unlock or customize or even medals/ribbons to work towards. That and both of them had a lot of gimp ass guns. Where CoD I feel most guns (In GW at least) are viable.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
BF5 on the flip side basically required unlocks on vehicles to make them worth a fuck. A base plane vs a plane with unlocks was such an insane power difference that it made it extremely difficult for new players to get vehicle unlocks (since they got dominated hard by both OP infantry and blinged out vehicles from long time players). That was part of the reason I quit the game. Nothing like unloading an entire plane magazine into another plane and no kill it, or drop your worthless default bombs straight onto a tank and if you are lucky, maybe slightly damage it.


Log Wizard
this screen pops up now every time before a game, thanks infinity ward i hope [MAGA]N****Killer doesn't kill me cuz black lives matter

Yeah, pretty fucking tonedeaf when they HOTPATCHED this in and then 3 games later I died to BigNickDigga and got called the N word by all 3 people in a squad I killed at once. I mean I don't even think they have the n word banned in name creation. Like what?


Log Wizard
Season 4 tonight. Hopefully they nuke downtown and add some weapons worth a shit to shake up the meta!

Been using the Grau because I've given up trying to have fun. It's fucking dumb. If I was using a controller I can't imagine having the game aim for me AND no recoil. Yikes.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I’ve been running M4 and crossbow lol. I wiped an entire squad the other day with the xbow. I was on a roof and other team was on a lower roof. 3rd guy is climbing ladder, so I shoot and he gets knocked. His friend runs to ledge and starts looking. I shoot him and he gets knocked. Last guy then starts to run and I lead him and land a shot. Last guy I shot was incredulous, thought I was hacking or some shit lol.

People get so fucked up by crossbow sniping because you get no audio cue, so it feels like a ghost ran up and shanked them and they all start to panic until they figure it out lol


Log Wizard
Xbow is actually pretty great. The multiple tips give you a lot of options for gameplay. The gas one can fucking DESTROY people in tight groups, the incendiary is an instakill on hit, but it takes a while but still fucks up vehicles, and the explosive is amazing for just spamming 41 of them at some dildo in a window. Definitely a very cool weapon. I have a teammate that ran xbow knife for weeks and he'd rack up some 7+ kill games thanks to stun grenades and blowing up vehicles.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya. The thermite damage isn’t the greatest vs vehicles as opposed to an actual thermite grenade, but the fire effect is good for ensuring the person goes down if you score a hit on their body. Gas ones are great for smoking out campers also lol


Mr. Poopybutthole
Season 4 tonight. Hopefully they nuke downtown and add some weapons worth a shit to shake up the meta!

Been using the Grau because I've given up trying to have fun. It's fucking dumb. If I was using a controller I can't imagine having the game aim for me AND no recoil. Yikes.
Glad they solved racism. Only took two weeks!
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Heard rumors about dam flooding part of the map, but who the heck knows. Looking forward to S4, though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Water in this game is pretty much lava for all intents and purposes, so I wonder if the currently empty river beds/etc will become impassible moats save for the bridges


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Patch notes up


1) I like the new events. Some dumb shits on reddit are crying, because they aren't thinking it through.

-Jailbreak is what is having people crying. One of the 3 events that can happen is everyone who is dead (and still in the match spectating) is brought back into the game. People are acting like 150 people are going to magically appear. Fully eliminated squads will have long quit the match, so all that will happen is a bunch of AFKers and dead squadies who still have a player in the match will come back. It happens mid-game, so it won't be that huge a change.

-Firesale is basically buybacks are free and all buystation items are reduced in price by 80%, except loadouts which are still the same price. Firesale only lasts 60 seconds. This will promote conflict at buystations, since it has a strict time limit and players will take big risks to get to a buy station potentially.

-Supply chopper is basically a flying lootbox you kill. Like buystation, promotes conflict and is a big risk/big reward situation. Good change.

-New secret briefcase mission and supply chopper is a bit better than trying to learn Russian numbers over an ingame phone to key into a bunker keypad /w access keys lol.

2) New mode: 50v50 Warzone rumble. Basically a 50v50 Battlefield deathmatch. Could be fun.

3) Refreshed weapon spawns for the map, as usual
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