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Calvary (2014) - IMDb
Theatrical release in USA on August 1st, but bluray rips from Europe have been out for a few days now. Saw this today, while its not a must see I thought it was pretty interesting especially after having watched a bunch of trash big budget movies this week (Robocop, Pompeii, 300:2, Internship) -- it was great watching a movie that had good writing and a small scope. Great actors in it too, including Littlefinger.
I'm sure it doesn't accurately portray Ireland or its people but for me it was fascinating to see how completely different these people think and act than anyone I know, kind of fits in with the typical Irish prejudices of them being cynical, brutally honest, and melancholy. Filmography was beautiful too. I know Europe has been moving away from the catholic church for a while know, but to see the contempt shown towards the church in the movie in a small town was fascinating to me.
For some reason reminded me a bit of Ray Donovan. Also the American writer old guy in the movie is Emmet Walsh, who played the police chief in Blade Runner.