I dont like long travel times...
I dont like leveling...
I dont like competing for content...
I hate trash, and respawns....
I hate death penalties...
I like to play for 20 min and get a doggy bone...
And what are you left with? Instanced dungeon lobby game for +5 items....
Please don't go full retard, it hurts the forums. I never made any opinion at all at what I like in that post. What I said was that game design, world interaction, content type and development, can be independent of how your character develops for the most part. I'm going to make this stupid proof to you because your reading comprehension is bad.
You can have a game with long travel times, or short. You can have a game with long leveling or short. You can have a game that competes for content or not. You can have a game with 6 hours of trash or 0.
You can have a game with no death penalties or a million.
You can have a game with everything instanced or nothing.
None of these design choices has anything to do with how you build a character.
Here's a game that I would consider playing:
No fast travel.
Interesting and risky death penalties.
Open World, no instances.
However I want to hit max level in 10 hours so I get all my talent points and skills or whatever. Then I want to spend the next 500 hours coming to full power by doing things in game. Whether that is questing for a new sword, questing for a piece of armor that makes my main attack stronger. Spend 20 hours in three days trying to find a single NPC that appears rarely to get an item that leads to unlocking a special dungeon.
I do not want to spend a bulk of my gaming time just wasting time getting to max level just to begin enjoying the game. You might be different, and that's ok. You might enjoy spending 50 hours leveling a character just so you can cast fireball. Me? That's dull and boring. I want to cast my fireball soon. I want to spend the next 30 hours making it better by fighting through badguys to get an enchantment, not filling up a bar of experience so I can ding a level.
I'm not sure you get what I'm saying. Make a game like EQ. Copy it exactly, but make it fun to play. Make it so 90% of the areas in the game give you armor. Make it so you have to do zone a first before you do zone b because zone a's armor allows you to do zone b better. Don't make the world 90% leveling content. Fuck leveling.
I want to play a game where I have eveyrthing my character can do inside a week. I want to spend the next 8 months adventuring for armor and weapons that make me better. I don't want to spend 8 months leveling first.
Now I'm way off track and this is a shit post because its full of ramble.