Vibranium armor.I like how Black Panther is getting hit by bullets from a minigun and giving no fucks. Either he's far more superhuman than I thought or they goofed and he should have at least moved a LITTLE bit when getting hit.
Not sure on the actor's age, but he's supposed to be 15 in this movie.looks good, is spiderman being played by an 8 year old?
I'm sure the Airport battle is at the end of the movie, he might have something else earlier on.I figured his costume would be more on par with the one Toby was sporting when he fought Macho Man. Alpha 1.0. Looks like its closest to the Ultimate & older comics in general with the tiny spider.
Also, loads of awesome new bits in that trailer omg.
Iron Man suckering Spiderman into supporting the registration was an important plot point in the comics.Why is Spiderman with Ironman since Ironman wants transparency on superhero identities?
Cap's shield completely shrugs off impact too. Did you see him completely absorb a hit from Mjolnir and charge directly into the fire of a minigun?I know was referring more to the lack of any sort of impact. Also nice name fag.
When I was in first grade, I wore the same set of Spiderman under-roos for a month straight, until they fell off. Because I was prepared to save the day at any time!Love iron man calling him Under-oos
Are you serious? Vibranium's SOLE characteristic in the established movies is that it nullifies impact force, and you complain about vibranium mesh armor not showing impact from bullets?I know was referring more to the lack of any sort of impact. Also nice name fag.
You are kidding, right?Why is Spiderman with Ironman since Ironman wants transparency on superhero identities?
Clueless.I know was referring more to the lack of any sort of impact. Also nice name fag.
.Are you serious? Vibranium's SOLE characteristic in the established movies is that it nullifies impact force, and you complain about vibranium mesh armor not showing impact from bullets?
Wakandan Vibranium is the most common variety, and is often referred to simply as "vibranium". It is a rare substance native only to the small African nation of Wakanda.[9]
The Wakandan isotope possesses the ability to absorb all vibrations in the vicinity as well as kinetic energy directed at it.