Spider Man and Ant Man stole the show. Totally agree about wussing out, but ffs it's Disney, I've been saying from the start they won't throw away billion dollar stars and have 6 year olds crying in the aisles. I loved that there was no clear enemy in this, and made me genuinely feel like these whiny bitches are going to get WTFcurbstomped by Thanos who doesn't give a fuck if you're being fair. They used this film big time as a launch for Spidey, and man it looks like it could be a big big franchise for them. Downey did his best acting job yet as Iron Man, he also finally had a script that required it. I thought the resolution of him not being saved by onlookers, but rather by Cap on his own refusing to strike the final blow was really well played. And the Nitro guy was a bit of a cop out, I really didn't like Scarlet Witch killing people instead. All in all it's exactly at a 90% for me. It could have been better, but not by much. Best superhero movie? Not by a fucking longshot. Dark Knight, Hellboy (fuck you haters), Superman, etc... But this is damn good, and exactly what I want from the bullshit Disney is capable of doing with Marvel.