Not to mention the fact that it opened on a Thursday to pad those numbers. I'm sure quite a few movies would have better opening "weekends" if their weekend was 4 days.
That's been standard practice for quite awhile now though.Not to mention the fact that it opened on a Thursday to pad those numbers. I'm sure quite a few movies would have better opening "weekends" if their weekend was 4 days.
Literally every Marvel movie has done this for the last 10 years or more.
this wasnt the first time they did a 3-4 day global rollout. the one other time was for Infinity War. the rest was the 7-14 day thing. i can understand Infinity War because its the big moment they were building up to for 12 years and they wanted to make a huge splash so everyone would see it at once and nobody would have to torrent it because they couldnt wait a week. i'm obviously biased, but was anyone anticipating Captain Marvel in the same was as IW?I wasn't comparing it to only other Marvel movies, but yeah, you're right. Shows how long it's been since I bothered to see a movie opening night, lol.
Chuk's other point is still valid though. Opening in nearly every market simultaneously instead of staggered over several weeks is really propping up the global totals, just so sites can throw up those big numbers in their headlines.
Literally every Marvel movie has done this for the last 10 years or more.
I heard a rumor that if you gave the movie a good review, Brie would fly to your town and fellate you. So there's that.
On the Wednesday open here, my theatre in Hong Kong was "sold out" but only had 12 seats out of around 70 with people in them. Buddy of mine in Toronto said he had the same thing happen the new nerd rumor is that Disney bought out a bunch of theaters to pad the number for captain marvel, or something. i must have seen a dozen "empty seats at Captain Marvel" videos on my youtube feed. i like a good conspiracy more than the next guy, but Disney isnt about to drop 50 million on its own movie just to fool people on opening weekend. one did make a good point though. Disney did stagger the worldwide release to 3 days instead of the usual 7-14 they do globally. that could mean its going to take a big drop on its second weekend.
On the Wednesday open here, my theatre in Hong Kong was "sold out" but only had 12 seats out of around 70 with people in them. Buddy of mine in Toronto said he had the same thing happen Sunday.
No idea, but around here, the Friday 16:00 showing was half full, but the 19:00 was packed (385 seats).Zapatta was talking about this a few days ago too. twitter was lit up with people posting empty theater pics for CM. i thought it was a few trolls, but it was actually a shitload of people with the same experience. a lot of the guys here said the theaters were mostly full. i refused to pay for this so i cant speak for myself. maybe its people who prepaid for tickets but noped out at the last minute because of Brietard
I'm getting a good laugh out of the people twisting themselves in knots, trying to come up with an Alex Jones level conspiracy on why this movie didn't open to 10 million and vanish from theaters.