Also the scene is a rip off from t2 which makes me hate her even more.
They rip off the scene that leads us the audience to believe that Arnie is a villain. Because it's villain behavior. Only a stupid whore would rip off that scene and think anything else.
It's a shitty rip, at best. Arnie is objective. He's completely emotionless. Brie smirks like a fucking dick bag entitled bro, and the scene is laced with SJW'ism. Also, someone fucking put out a cigar on his chest, which he then pulled away, then another dude cracks a pool que on his head, and another tried to fucking stab him. He was defending himself in spite of his request. He didn't have to say anything. He could have just taken what he asked for. He's a terminator for Christ's sakes and didn't immediately just murder everyone, and only got close before John told him not to....
"I need your boots, your clothes, and the keys to your motorcycle." He had an objective of saving John Connor. Marvel was just being an asshole in a terribly staged scene amongst many that portrays men as... Well, being men, approaching women in a natural environment, and then breaking his fucking hand after she taunts him. She was the idiot using a manual map for nostalgia bullshit.
The two scenes are comparible, only in how you do it right, and how you do it fucking pathetically wrong.
Yeah, I get it. Women have to face men constantly out for their vaginas. But get fucking real about it.
There's a million ways of portraying this kind of thing, but it all hinges on the female counterpart not also acting like a fucking asshole. I've seen plenty of men act as portrayed in the scenes in this movie, but that's like 0.1%. Also, if the dude is attractive, suddenly it's acceptable.
They really, really handled their message terribly, and I don't necessarily disagree with their aim. I have 6 younger sisters. I'm quite familiar with dick bag dudes trying to fuck them. I have plenty of scenarios they could have played that would have been much more authentic, instead of cheese and stupid.
That's what pissed me off most about the movie. It's disingenuous. A staple of SJW'ism. You don't ham fist issues into an otherwise muddled story and call it a day. It harms everyone when you do so.