The term slippery slope doesn't apply to anything anymore. We're in Icy slope territory now. This applies to both ends of the spectrum. Tensions are too high and people are becoming more radical in their approach.
In this case, a slippery slope would be shoe-horning more women into MCU roles solely because they're women. The icy slope would be shoe-horning LGBT characters into the roles because why stop at just women? Nevermind that sexuality shouldn't fucking matter one way or the other.
Oh look:
Marvel Producer Says The World Is Ready For An LGBT Superhero
You know how gaming now is all about all the characters being anything but white and male, except for a few token ones, with the rest being a cavalcade of gay, bi, trans, ethnic tropes? That's what the SJW circus act cried for and their literal fuck-buddy journalist friends supported it every way, and turned criticism of it into making the world think the dissenters were misogynist nazi's. Well, that's coming to movies in full-force. The X-Men stuff is going to be the prime delivery mechanism for this when it comes to the MCU.
Name an area of entertainment hasn't already succumbed to this shit, or is in the process of succumbing to it and I'll show you where and how you aren't looking close enough.
Can't say I can blame the spineless clowns like Fight for keeping their heads under the sand. Who the fuck wants to have their escapisms tainted by ideology? Nobody, that's who. But here we are... only wanting to play some video games and watch some movies. Unfortunately, that's unacceptable for some people and our enjoyment has to be turned into a vulnerability to exploit for their half-baked ideology.