Saw this today in AMC Dolby with wife, she really enjoyed I thought it was fine. It wasn't memorable or great, it wasn't boring or bad either. I'd probably rate it just solidly mediocre like Ant Man, Dr. Strange, etc. Nothing really stands out - there are no amazing action set pieces, this isn't really an emotional moment for any character, honestly the best moments involve a character that doesn't talk so that says a lot about the cast.
Jude Law is awful, I used to like him in stuff but he was just phoning it in so hard in this movie. Really bad casting choice there.
Good date nite movie, its definitely a movie made for women in the way Fast and Furious movies are made for guys.
There is a little too much "REMEMBER X GUYS? REMEMBER Y GUYS? THIS IS HOW IT ALL HAPPENED" from the MCU which is solidly annoying. No, I don't really need to know how Nick Fury started wearing a cock ring (to make up something), but they throw a lot of that in here. There is only 2-3 mins of tie ins to Infinity War and its almost all mid credits at the end. Still, if you are a marvel fan and have seen em all you might as well see this, its like a mediocre Guardians of the Galaxy spin off honestly.