I didn't realize that anything was forced yet. I assumed it sort of just became the defacto standard when all the OEMs moved over to it. I could have sworn Stellantis still hasn't stated they're using it yet (would be very stupid of them not to at this point).
Sort of interesting how it all played out. I really thought CCS was going to become the standard just because that's what all the OEMs here were migrating to since that's what VW was building out with their Dieselgate reparations (even the Japanese OEMs gave up on ChaDeMo here). Plus the current administration hates Musk's guts, so, it wouldn't have surprised me if they mandated CCS. Lastly, I figured Musk's focus in simplifying things would have pushed Tesla in that direction since it was already mandated in Europe (albeit with a different plug).
In the end, I think it just came down to the fact that Tesla has the only charging network that doesn't completely fucking blow. If VW hadn't done such a shit job with Electrify America (and EVgo, Chargepoint, etc didn't also suck), I think it might have gone differently. Sucks for all the people that installed J1772 level 2 chargers in their home, but I guess they can just buy an adapter. Also, sort of sucks for older Tesla owners. Tesla already made an adapter for ChaDeMo and CCS chargers, but now people would need another adaper with the NACS plug on both sides (or a retrofit of the new charger).