Avatar of War Slayer
subbie has weird sound in the rear at different speeds, google says it's probably my wheel bearing.
seems like i'll have to live with it for a month until i move to new house (garage is a mess, moving, etc) (don't even have room to put jack stands on it to wiggle and spin the wheels for a real test)
already bought the 32mm socket and air hammer
i hope i won't have to resort to the slide hammer
What kind of incline does your drive way have and do you have a level sidewalk running through it?
If you just want to get it in the air to do a wiggle test, buy some wheel chocks for the fronts and use the level sidewalk to jack the rear from. I don't know if I would get too far under it though (an arm at most), and use a spotter (the wife) if you need to reach under the car.
Small semi-related story:
I thought I had bearing issues shortly after I had bought my car; before I got it up in the air. It had a weird clinking sound at low speeds, that I could only hear when the radio was off, or the windows were down.
After going through a bunch of diagnostics, it ended up being missing bump stops on my shocks. The previous owner lowered the car, which caused the shocks to bottom out more often and ended up breaking the rubber stops. This in turn caused a washer, that normally sits on the top side of the stops, to clink against the top of the shocks when going over bumps. I replaced the stops, but they just broke again after a couple years.