I have no stake in the series Castlevania, played the shit out of SotN and that is about it. This show is fucking awesome, the art man...they spent that money. Voice acting is top notch, that little scene where Isaac is talking to one of his "beasties" was some of the best writing I have seen in a long time. Really gave some insight as to what motivates those that have gone to hell, how twisted they get etc.
Talking to a friend that knows the lore and he is very annoyed they are "wasting time" with all this. Ignorance is bliss in this case.
The talk about hell was actually funny... because there is this fact in these type of settings they avoid, and only use "Religion is bad bruh" as a crutch - but they all are accepting heaven and hell are REAL.
Just as Issac said to the demon guy - "But you ended up in hell anyway?" - so here is this demon, who used to be a Greek philosopher who was like "Religion is WRONG and BULLSHIT, just open free thinking and contemplation is the TRUE PATH." - then he is killed because he essentially is branded a heritic, and is like "Screw you guys! your religious dogma is bull!" and then dies... and...GETS SENT TO HELL BECAUSE HE WAS WRONG - then he comes back via a forgemaster reanimation... and is like "Screw these religious dudes, they are wrong! full of shit!" - no dude, you were wrong, you picked wrong and got cast into hell for it... the show constantly acknowledges the existence of heaven and hell- a right and wrong...
Once think I did NOT like that they threw away from S1 to S2 was that there are good and proper monks/priests etc. (Town scene, holy water working and not working etc.) and then in S2 they just have a reanimated obviously evil corrupted priest "bless" the river and it worked - this broke their own rules imo.
As for where this is going in relations to the established game lore...The game content of CV3 was about 1 - 2 episodes of S1, getting Alucard and Sypha - and then 1-2 episodes of S2, attacking the castle and fighting Dracula.
Lore wise- after CV3 came Curse of Darkness for xbox- you are Hector and it starts in the ruins of the castle from CV3... Issac is the bad guy and it all revolves around a plot to resurrect Dracula. You meet Trevor, Saint Germain and Death in disguise. Eventually junk happens and it turns out they were planning on using you - Hector - to be the vessle / sacrifice to rez Drac.. or was it Trevor? anway - it does not work and Death betrays Issac and uses him / kills him to rez Drac...you kill Drac.. lore over until, I think CV1. Throughout the lore of CV dracula returns either by summon/rez or "naturally" every 100 years.
Castlevania - the castle itself is a form of a demon, or "a creature of chaos" - and is a kind of horcrux for Dracula...in a way...ehh its kinda both ways... anywho... that is why when they "killed dracula" and the castle was still there in the show I was like "he is not dead" but...they are not seeming to care about that lore (yet?)
So that is why Dracula always can come back, the "core" of the Castle is never killed, they always just "kill" Dracula and the castle retreats until Drac is rez/summoned/returns- so they finally figure this out and in 1999 Juste Belmont some how seals the Castle in an eclipse of a moon? Yeah dont ask me... anywho... Draculas spirit is still seeking return, but cannot do it normally as well...the castle is stuck "IN THE MOON" - but the eclipse comes around once every...whenver the game is set... and this is Aria of Sorrows and Dawn of Sorrows. In the end of those two games, two things are done... The core of the castle is killed (AoS) and never to return, breaking the horcrux / link etc. and then in DoS - the evil spirits and power of dominance over the evil creatures etc. is suppressed and the hateful spirit of Dracula is quelled. - I belive the VENGEFUL spirit of dracula is done at the end of SOTN when Alucard basically son-shames his dad at the end, "Dude, your at war with humans for the past centuries because of mom, she would NOT want you to do that...hurdur..." - "Oh, snap...okay... AARRGGHHHH"