Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde


Blackwing Lair Raider
Awesome thank you, you guys have done an adequate job. Knowing me I'd come back and want to some how herd you fucking retard cats into a presentable raid and the thought of that alone just exhausts me to the point where I want absolutely nothing to do with it.

Besides, who the fuck wants to play on Hyjal?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
As an East-coaster, I want to play on Hyjal less and less.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I have to say I try and stay out of what I consider petty drama but I find it extremely, extremely frustrating when there is a guild raid at 6 server and at 6 server half the guild is in HM already in some group that may, or may not, have even been formed via /g. I wanted to raid tonight and couldn't because we had to wait until 7 server for this other raid group to even finish and when they did most of those players left anyways and we couldn't even raid. I don't know if I have an unrealistic expectation of guild interaction coming from a very tight knit and hardcore focused guild from WoW vanilla but I don't find it completely out of the question to not put together a raid group that directly competes with the guild's raid group that is occuring what could have only been an hour to hour and a half out.
I understand the frustration. I posted the raid, and was in the other one (in my defense, I thought it would be done by 9 or very close to it, but I guess I miscalculated). I didn't post it until like 3 or 4 EST though, and barely anyone signed up besides Noodle and a few other melees. So mostly it was just a miscommunication in not realizing that a_skeleton_03 wouldn't be around for the raid this week and nobody else noticed in time to put it on the calendar with advance notice.

If/when I put up a raid again, I will make sure I'm ready to go at the time it's posted for. Sorry.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If the Wed night raid is deprecated and no one turns out that is fine by me as long as there is some form of communication about this shift. I have no attachment to the raid and I generally don't believe the sign ups because hardly anyone ever signs up for the raids since they started. But it is frustrating telling my wife I'm not going to hang out with her tonight because I have a raid and her agreeing to that only to find that this raid doesn't exist.

At this point I'll just stop showing up as well until it is proven it is still happening. I'll continue to join the old married person raid with Noodle on Saturday since that seems at least consistent. But a large allure of MMOs to me is guild culture and if LFG/Raid Finder is the way WoW is played in it's current form with anonymous buttom pusher that simply doesn't appeal to me.
I've got people going emo on me in tells on alt characters outside the guild (guess they're scared to admit who they are?) saying I'm the reason the raids aren't happening, they can't get loot because of me, that I'm a bully because I don't invite them to my raids, etc. Dunno how people get so upset in a video game, but I guess 2015 is the year of crying. Good luck.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll preface this by saying these possibly throwaway alt tells were not from me but the line between video games and real life gets blurred when it starts to matter in my real life. I carved out and assigned 9-12 EST to be raid hours. Like I said before I could have been doing other things tonight if it was communicated this raid was not going to happen. I would be far less frustrated if this raid was outright cancelled instead of me standing around for an hour to eventually have it cancelled. And yes the raid going on at the same time the scheduled raid was supposed to happen was certainly a cause in it being completely DOA.


A Mod Real Quick
I didn't send any alt tells! I can't blame anyone. It was a late calendar thing. I mean it is frustrating if people aren't ready on time but I didn't really know the specifics of the other raid. Apologies to those who did show up. I, like tenks, told my wife I wouldn't be around and after awhile I just gave up and decided to join her. It's a work night for me, so I can't stick around. Additionally I am pretty averse to grabbing pugs on guild runs (hate it on my Saturday runs), so I avoid it at all costs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hahaha ho fuck this is more effective than I thought. What a bunch of fucking children.


Toe Sucker
I wanna log on and flame fartbox via throwaway alt tells! OMW!

edit: blast! he's not online, i'll get you next time motherfucker~


Lord Nagafen Raider
As someone who came in to this knowing I couldn't raid any weeknight due to work, I've been having a lot of fun. I was off for a couple weeks for the holidays, so I made a couple of evening events, but for me, the Saturday morning raids are great. Cheers to Noodle for getting them going. We've had people learning the fights, getting some drops, and getting better. We've had some of the well geared folks like Krassus, Sorrows, Arcanin, and others(sorry if I missed you) come to help out, too. We may not be instantly blasting 7/7 and crushing heroic, but that is just fine with me. I am in no rush. The way I look at it, is the faster I finish the content I can(I'm no mythic raider), the faster I burn out and quit. I may be a little jaded about mmos, but I still love them, and this stint in WoW is probably it for me until EQN comes out in 2025.

Just my 2 cents.


Blackwing Lair Raider
As someone who came in to this knowing I couldn't raid any weeknight due to work, I've been having a lot of fun. I was off for a couple weeks for the holidays, so I made a couple of evening events, but for me, the Saturday morning raids are great. Cheers to Noodle for getting them going. We've had people learning the fights, getting some drops, and getting better. We've had some of the well geared folks like Krassus, Sorrows, Arcanin, and others(sorry if I missed you) come to help out, too. We may not be instantly blasting 7/7 and crushing heroic, but that is just fine with me. I am in no rush. The way I look at it, is the faster I finish the content I can(I'm no mythic raider), the faster I burn out and quit. I may be a little jaded about mmos, but I still love them, and this stint in WoW is probably it for me until EQN comes out in 2025.

Just my 2 cents.
I am glad we do Saturdays and we will get 7/7, we got you guys way smoother this week than last. We have a lot of fun helping you guys, its just relaxing on Saturdays and a good time in general.


<Bronze Donator>
Get heroic brack trinket...two days later the mythic version out of a follower mission. Fitting.


A Mod Real Quick
I am glad we do Saturdays and we will get 7/7, we got you guys way smoother this week than last. We have a lot of fun helping you guys, its just relaxing on Saturdays and a good time in general.
Yeah 7/7 will happen. Imp isn't an easy fight by any means and not a fight that you can necessarily explain in one sentence like the other 6 bosses either so it will take some repetition to get him. Hopefully this week we can breeze through the first six (and one heroic) and get some serious attempts in. Last week we introduced the group to him, this week we are going for the kill!


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah 7/7 will happen. Imp isn't an easy fight by any means and not a fight that you can necessarily explain in one sentence like the other 6 bosses either so it will take some repetition to get him. Hopefully this week we can breeze through the first six (and one heroic) and get some serious attempts in. Last week we introduced the group to him, this week we are going for the kill!
Maybe not immediately but you could think about adding heroic twins to your raid once the crew gets the first guy down. You can skip Butcher/Brack/Tectus and go to Twins which is a pure mechanics fight.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've got people going emo on me in tells on alt characters outside the guild (guess they're scared to admit who they are?) saying I'm the reason the raids aren't happening, they can't get loot because of me, that I'm a bully because I don't invite them to my raids, etc. Dunno how people get so upset in a video game, but I guess 2015 is the year of crying. Good luck.
Haha. This didn't happen. Seriously? How can anyone possibly care this much in a casual guild?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hahaha. Fair enough. I have just been sitting with 640 trinkets for probably 3 weeks and then the week I finally score the upgrade...

Well, whatever...I'll stop complaining.
People say the RNG is the same for trinkets, but I gotta disagree. Trinkets are usually my last items 9 out of 10 times for all my characters. It sucks for how useful they are, too.

-- As for last nights raid, like four? five? people were signed up. It was already DOA regardless of who the other people were in those raids, unfortunately.

On the flip side, I went through and tanked every boss on normal last night. Incredibly easy, at least at my ilvl. So if it ever comes down to it, ill tank instead of DPS'ing normal. Its getting to the point though that a lot of people I know, even if they havent even raided Highmaul, are done with normal ilvl altogether or close to.


<WoW Guild Officer>
People say the RNG is the same for trinkets, but I gotta disagree. Trinkets are usually my last items 9 out of 10 times for all my characters. It sucks for how useful they are, too.

-- As for last nights raid, like four? five? people were signed up. It was already DOA regardless of who the other people were in those raids, unfortunately.

On the flip side, I went through and tanked every boss on normal last night. Incredibly easy, at least at my ilvl. So if it ever comes down to it, ill tank instead of DPS'ing normal. Its getting to the point though that a lot of people I know, even if they havent even raided Highmaul, are done with normal ilvl altogether or close to.
Damn, I must have missed it. I'd love to heal (Disc) or DPS (shadow).