Fucking instagram influencers.
Instagram influencers are flocking to Chernobyl
Chernobyl has seen a tourism spike following the HBO series about the infamous disaster site, including social media users seeking the gram.consequenceofsound.net
Round them all up and send back to Chernobyl.Round them all up and send to gulag
Fucking instagram influencers.
Instagram influencers are flocking to Chernobyl
Chernobyl has seen a tourism spike following the HBO series about the infamous disaster site, including social media users seeking the gram.consequenceofsound.net
Yeah the east german had a Zeiss factory they took over, that happened to be on the east side of germany, The Zeiss Jena factory. And even with all that knowledge and machinery they still could not build lenses and optics like the W germans did. Its a shit system filled with nothing but corruption, lies, bribery, and deceit.Everything the Russians built was a piece of shit. The entire population wanted stuff made in the West (which you could buy on the black market). They stole half the designs for anything notable from the West and still managed to fuck whatever it was they were building up.
Financially they spent so much money chasing the US in the arms race and building armies that they never had a pot to piss in from 1950-1990.
Deutschland 86 is a good TV show concerning East/West Germany at the time (although it's fictional).