City of Heroes has actually been online for years....


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Note: I recommend to play on Homecoming because all the people are there. However, 4chans server is the real deal, and does have a few hundred logged on. It's also completely unmoderated, and adjusted to be more rewarding (more xp, etc). Homecoming, however, is where the overwhelming number of people are playing atm.

How to Download and play City of Heroes

Homecoming instructions here: Dredd's Guide to Loading City of Heroes
/coxg/ instructions here: /coxg/ Account Portal

Git repo for CoH source code (Server and client)

Located here: Source

Discord Servers

General CoH: Join the City of Heroes Discord Server!
Homecoming: Join the CoH: Homecoming Discord Server!
/coxg/ (4Chan): Join the Official /coxg/ Discord Discord Server!

Setting up your own Private Server

I25 Community Virtual Machines - Project: Ouroboros


Homecoming Server Status: Status
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Musty Nester
Cottage industry for some Argentinean dude though.

Remember how hardcore coh forum warriors were, and how little they played the actual game? Yeah, that.

Like p99 with more cultists. Cthon put up a thread on how to install. I was going to wait for their server to stabilize them do it if no one else had.
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El Presidente
Game was interesting. Creating characters with real dumb superhero names was fun. The Electrocutioner was good times. Balance issues early on were no joke though. Being a X/Tech Blaster was OP as fuck. Caltrops was real, real dumb.
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Musty Nester
Game was interesting. Creating characters with real dumb superhero names was fun. The Electrocutioner was good times. Balance issues early on were no joke though. Being a X/Tech Blaster was OP as fuck. Caltrops was real, real dumb.

They -never- fixed AR/Traps either.

FOH bottle-pissers ruined an entire class for like 6 years. lol.

But that was part of the charm, honestly. BAB would troll the playerbase sometimes. With long trolls. And since the community of CoX was really pretty small, those guys were more honest and engaged than I've seen a dev be before or since.
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Musty Nester
I seem to remember they did nerf that one. I forget how. Maybe you had to be in motion for the protection to apply. Or it was on a delay after you started motion. I forget.

I remember it went away one patch though.

They did a pretty good job of trying to balance things overall. Some things were intentionally OP as hell though. Fire/Kin controllers never got nerfed. Fire/Fire tanks eventually did get nerfed, but they were still playable and still good. Some Mastermind combos were so powerful that they got boring to play for long stretches. But they were tons of fun in short bursts.

But that's what IRONMAN challenges were for. If you wanted to break the game it actually wasn't all that hard. Most of the time on purpose. If you wanted a challenge... go roll and dark/invuln scrapper! Or a */* stalker. Or a kheld. Man those things were ass.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
Game was interesting. Creating characters with real dumb superhero names was fun. The Electrocutioner was good times. Balance issues early on were no joke though. Being a X/Tech Blaster was OP as fuck. Caltrops was real, real dumb.
Fav one I made was a Fire/Fire tank named Flame Retarded.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Cottage industry for some Argentinean dude though.

Remember how hardcore coh forum warriors were, and how little they played the actual game? Yeah, that.

Like p99 with more cultists. Cthon put up a thread on how to install. I was going to wait for their server to stabilize them do it if no one else had.

I'm not sure though, have you seen the twitch streams and kept up with it? Apparently the code that they got was originally a lot of the original game code as it was just before shutdown, that required some reverse engineering, because not everything was included (mission map data, etc), but apparently most of it. A lot of the old AE maps people made are part of it, and supposedly the people that ran the private server had the actual character database as well, but that wasn't released and they deny that, but he said this on the matter which seems really suspicious.

This seems a little more than some "p99 style hobbists"

Over email, Leandro explains how he came into possession of character data only stored on NCSoft's servers. He says that before City of Heroes shut down, players created tools to backup and save character data stored on their local computers. But six months into developing SCORE, Leandro was contacted by an anonymous person who claimed to possess all the character data stored on City of Heroes' servers before it shut down. To prove it, this person provided Leandro with server files containing his own character data. Over a period of weeks, this person transferred the entirety of City of Heroes' character data through encrypted networks and then disappeared.

More detail: A fully-functioning City of Heroes private server has somehow been kept secret for six years
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Molten Core Raider
The private server did have the entire character database from the retail servers. You could tell Leandro your character name and some other info and he’d restore it to your account on the private server. They’ve confirmed that will not be possible on the public server though since having any account info opens them up to a lot more serious legal issues than just using the game code.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The company I worked for made the City of Heroes card game. Shit was fun, but about as broken and nonsense as the MMO.

I mostly quit after the Hasten nerf. Sure it was broken as fuck, but it wasn't like anything you were doing actually mattered, and it was one of the things that actually made you feel "super."
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I for one have been in love with CoH since it was in beta. I was SO SAD it was closed. It's an amazing piece of MMO history IMO.
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Log Wizard
Most people I knew that played it were only in it for the character creator. The others were OP blaster over and over.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
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<Gold Donor>
City of Heroes was a cool game that got worse and worse the higher you leveled and moved away from the beginning.

Just Age of Conan, Warhammer, Rift, etc etc etc


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It got really grindy I recall and if not specced right, it was pretty tedious.

I had a technology blaster because I liked gadgets. My hero had a gas mask, fedora, and wife beater shirt on. My friends thought my hero looked dumb, but I didn’t want to admit it. This was pre “mlady” meme. I later made him look like a 5th Column cyborg thing.


Musty Nester
More like this is why running a pay to play emu for six years and not giving the ip owner a kickback will bite everyone.

You can run this under the radar, but it's going to be an insular cult.

You just can't have a popular emu without paying the tax.

I hate that they closed it down.
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<Silver Donator>
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

NCSoft are shitbags who give 0 fucks about Western IPs, so they probably were warming up the lawsuit cannons the second this was leaked.

Secret shit is secret for a reason usually, especially when it can have major consequences.
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