Civilization - Beyond Earth (Alpha Centauri Sequel)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Eh, it just started with Civ 5. Civ 4 was pretty damn fun even in Vanilla. With all expansions it was still a ways from perfect though. The one thing that the first two Civs did better was having an engaging end game. I felt like you could have a lot more games in Civ 1 and 2 where the outcome hadn't yet been determined in the modern age. In Civ IV I felt like the game was usually decided by around the renaissance or shortly thereafter.


I have 1200 hours on Civ 5 and this shit still sucks.
I have to agree with this. I finally nabbed the game, being a huge Civ fanboy. Even a Civ V mod would have been nice as Gods and Kings had good stuff. This was a step backwards. I forced myself to play through this game, and it just did not hold me at all.

I can't see playing even 30 hours on this game. It just really bores me to tears. There is no symmetry, the AI makes no sense, and the objectives do not flow. The tech chart is a cluster fuck and even after going over the tree and combat upgrades, there is no 'hook'.

They had some good ideas, but the game just is meh for me.


Molten Core Raider
So I've logged 100 hours on this game so far, mostly in co-op multiplayer. I'm done playing this game for now - it's not as engaging as the previous games. Its really surprising to me the amount of features missing from this game compared to say civ5 vanilla or civ4 vanilla, even throwing out all of the extra expansions worth of content and features. The game is shallow comparatively and not really challenging - the AI doesn't have personality and acts way too passively for my tastes, which makes the game very predictable.

If you were considering purchasing this game, I would recommend passing for now. Maybe they'll get better with a few expansions, but it does rub me the wrong way that I dropped 60$ on a game with less features than its predecessors.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Never buy a modern Civ game until the first or second expansion package comes out at this point.
There's very little BNW offers either. AI dumb as shit because it can't handle UPT, multiplayer feels like 90s, performance-wise so it's not a lot of fun.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
The next expansion came out...anyone snag this yet? Did it fix the clusterfuck that was Beyond Earth?


what Suineg set it to
I wanted to, but the reviews said that it fixed a lot of problems and basically destroyed diplomacy and resources so that it's very shallow and lacks choices. Example given was now if you want to end a war, the other side can be like 'yea you give me these two cities' and if you don't want to do that... you can just fight until you annihilate them, I guess.

Sucks, Civ 5 was kind of a disappointment from 4 and this looked OK but meh, $60 to buy in at this point.


Registered Hutt
I pirated it. The game is still weak. The expansion is like take two steps back take one step forward. I've got my sci-fi strategy hopes pinned onStellarisnow. Paradox can make this shit good. It'll be more in the vein of Gal Civ, MoO, StarDrive, etc. but w/e.


Trakanon Raider
I love all the Civ games. A friend gifted me BE and I think I was able to tolerate about 10 mins max. Just so bad.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm not sure it's possible to "love all the Civ games". You either like 5, or the rest, but not both.


Registered Hutt
For those like me that, sadly, put some time into this game, there are some unlocks related to the game Starships, a game that you definitelyshould not get. Thankfully, you don't need to. The following game start options and two maps, inland sea and tiny islands, can be unlocked by editing a few files with Notepad (preferablyNotepad++b/c it's amazing).


The guide is here:
All Starships Unlockables for Beyond Earth - Civilization Fanatics' Forums
Now I've got them in a .zip I used to send to my brother. If you want it PM me, but this is really a ~5 minute task of editing a line out of 5 files so consider that the slow as shit option.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
holy shit Mercenaries is broken good.

Do I want some extra energy or do I want a permanent boost to combat strength that will last the entire game?

I also like the "choice" free virtue or free worker... I take the free worker virtue then, thanks!

And yeah, the expansion doesn't fix the main issues of the game. It never will. The IP is ruined with these muppets.


Registered Hutt
These are against the current bonuses. Mercenaries goes up against artists, engineers, etc. Suppy Module goes up against continental surveyor and the such.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
okay, in that case just free virtue is a no-brainer. Get prosperty 1 for free, get the free worker after 6 turns.

Positive so far: They figured out what "borderless fullscreen" is, soemthing they promised would be, claimed it was in the game after it was released and were really surprised when people explained to them what the difference between window mode and borderless fullscreen window is

Ooooooh pictures