Cloud Pirates a Wargaming type game


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Been playing this the last few days. It's pretty fun with a squad of 3. There are all types of upgrades and classes kind of like World of Tanks/Warships, but it's a little more, umm arcade mode? It's not a simulation type game so you won't get citadel'd and you won't get RNG'd on ala Wargaming.

-Lots of class variety. Ships have cool unique play styles. I picked up this thing called the Rattle which plays similar to the torpedo boat, but instead of having big daka bow torpedos it does this thing where it builds energy up via shooting it's cannons and you can spend energy on the modules like a PBAOE blast that do more damage based on how much energy you have.
-Games are fast paced and varied.
-Lots of stuff to work toward. Free to play seems to be just fine but as usual I bought premium so I get doubles.
-They hold special game modes different days of the week that give more xp and are pretty fun.
-Ships seems kind of balanced in what they can do and they can get countered pretty well with a ship you might think is useless. However not much information out there so I don't know how it is at higher tiers. My guess is that the big heavy things will be the most OP at those tiers.

-Match making seems broken. I'm not talking about putting you with retards, I'm talking about giving the other team straight counters to your classes. Or putting you on a team with no supports.
-Some of the game modes are random. Like on convoy, you cap a point, a convoy comes out of that point and you escort it. However, the points are spawned randomly on the map so you can finish escorting one convoy and the next one spawns across the map next to the enemy spawn and you are literally fucked.
-Some event modes are stupidly imbalanced. Like the siege mode the defenders are so broken it's almost not worth playing.
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what Suineg set it to
I was on board until I saw Allods team. Hell to the no, that's P2W central.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know about P2W because I'm almost to the final tier and I've only been playing a week. Although from the stats the premium ships look pretty broken. I dunno.

As far as dreadnought goes, I tried it and it just felt too slow for me. Which makes no sense because I played the shit out of World of Warships. Maybe I just didn't give it a chance.