That was my biggest worry with them, but I have only cut out 2 of each so far. I won't really know if they're too annoying until I play a game with them.Can you shuffle the odd shaped ones? Not being able to shuffle them would annoy to no end. I don't think the 50s could be but maybe. Regular cash games wouldn't be a problem but coloring up in a tourney could be.
You saying I should make the inner portion of the zeros all white space?I like the overall design of it, but not the DD in the 00's part. Cool idea to lightly engrave the heart/diamond & dark engrave the spade/club, if that works out and doesn't look really faint in comparison, might only work on a few types of wood that are naturally light
I'm not a fan of the blackout at all, but like the idea of changing the size to see more of the spade. I'll try that tonight.I meant doing this, to me the D D parts of the zero's make it look like it has weird eyes in it but hard to say if that makes the finished result any better or not. Might also try to find a way to reduce the size slightly so you can see both extruding curves on the Spade
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I thought about epoxy, but I'm not sure how I would actually seal it without gluing it to something else. It's 1/8" plywood. How do I coat it with epoxy without it running down onto anything else? I can't do a tape skirt on 1/8" wood. Put it on a wooden dowel over the trash can and just let it drip off the top?Same sealer you put on a deck would be my guess? I haven't made anything that is exposed to moisture on purpose so I'm not really sure. Wouldn't be hard to mix up a thin epoxy layer either
I thought about epoxy, but I'm not sure how I would actually seal it without gluing it to something else. It's 1/8" plywood. How do I coat it with epoxy without it running down onto anything else? I can't do a tape skirt on 1/8" wood. Put it on a wooden dowel over the trash can and just let it drip off the top?
Good tips, thanks. I don't have anything to clean up the edges very easy. I have a tabletop belt/disc sander that ill try it on, but I often fick up rounded cornersIf you are only doing a real thin coat I'd just drip a little in the middle and use a brayer (think thats its name?) to smooth out each way. Unless you overdid it, should be very little drippage over the edge if any. Wouldn't even worry about the trash part, put it on wax paper and it won't stick to it at all, if you have a sanding drum or useful jig setup to smoth out the edges.
You mean you like the inner contour map for the Hawaii ones, but not the outer ring on the Hawaii ones? Or do you mean you don't like the mountain coasters?eh, I like the actual Hawaii center part but not the others, kinda has a cool arrowhead thing going on. I would also delete the outer ring design where there is text and have it be blank in those spots. Looks messy like a blob
I spent more time on the contours of the other 2 islands than all the others combined. That's just a really rough spot to generate them because there's so many ridges and valleys through there. All of these maps are at a 500ft interval for vertical. The islands all have different scales, but the mountains are all a 5 mile buffer around the peak.I was only referring to the island ones. I like the inner contour map of the Island of Hawaii but the other islands need to be more zoomed out or something. I'd also have the outer flower ring not be behind the text. So keep the flowers just don't have it under the text areas.