I never said a word about the 3rd movie, .
LMAO I'm hostile because you're clearly an idiot and you just proved it
"The Miyagi wife/kid/concentration camp story is ret-conned in the 2nd movie. The Yukiyae (sp?) storyline confirms this if you listen to all of the dialogue."
There's literally so much wrong with your position it's difficult to know where to start
Your whole claim is absolutely absurd, your position being that his former love interest in Okinawa "retcons" his wife/son after he left Okinawa. That's literally nonsensical and is based on nothing - I can only assume you've mis remembered Yuki telling him that she never married as him telling her that he never got married
And whilst you don't think you said a word about the third movie, by claiming the second movie retconned the first, then as the third movie confirms the wife/son/442nd then yes, your argument is subsequently that the third retcons the second. Which considering they're a trilogy written by the same dude (who specifically did the third becuase otherwise the studio would have hired someone else to write it) doesn't make any sense
Your logic is retarded "they don't mention something" does that mean that thing did not take place, never happened or was erased.
You're also wrong about the American military being featured "most prominently" whilst off duty out of uniform in a bar LMAO. When earlier they literally drove onto a US base and got directions from a guy in uniform LMAO - so yes, I really trust your knowledge of the movies LMAO
They didn't mention his wife because the whole point of his storyline in the second was his love for Yuki which fractured his friendship with Sato and his subsequent rekindling of both the romance and friendship. That doesn't mean that they "retconned" it only to later un retcon it for the third
The only shred of logic you have is how Miyagi leaving Japan and then joining the US military who was at war with Japan would have been received by his village. Although, in the first film he states "Miyagi sign up to kill many Gerry Germans Sir" and the 442nd was sent to Europe, not Japan. But I don't know enough about Japanese society to know what their level of support was during wartime and post war.
The funny thing is the only thing lacking continuity is your argument, because first you said "listen to the dialogue" now it's "they never mention it"
Kinda hard to listen to dialogue that doesn't exist, right?