The show hits on something I felt when I watched the movie back when I was a kid. Daniel is a fucking douchebag entitled jersey boy who really came in and fucked with everyone. Frankly, he deserved a lot of the ass beatings he was being given. And yeah, Daniel's daughter being a stupid whore and Daniel himself ridiculously overreacting to everything (but believable since its in character) drives all the drama in the show. Kreese is a new wrinkle and what I hope S3 is driving towards. Basically positive masculine mentality (Johnny) squaring off against negative masculine mentality (Kreese), with Daniel representing entitled douchebags fucking it all up.
The show is good precisely because men basing their lives on shit that pissed them off or motivated them from when they were growing up is being relatable, especially when the characters are flawed and not woke perfect bots. It gets off track a bit with the stupid kid drama, but if it did not have that it would just be Johnny and Daniel have a beer, the end.