College Football 2018-2019 Season


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Michigan's defensive coordinator came to see my son today. Well he saw two QB's a Wide-out and a RB. My son got the Michigan camp invite and phone numbers.

This is getting exciting!
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Michigan's defensive coordinator came to see my son today. Well he saw two QB's a Wide-out and a RB. My son got the Michigan camp invite and phone numbers.

This is getting exciting!

I know that Michigan is D1, but what do you really (REALLY) think your sons' shot at the NFL are? I only say that because if he is not NFL bound then the Yale offer is the best one of the bunch bar none. There are about 5 schools that undergrad is considered equivalent to a masters at most other schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and two others that I cannot even remember because the first three are so fucking prestigious.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I know that Michigan is D1, but what do you really (REALLY) think your sons' shot at the NFL are? I only say that because if he is not NFL bound then the Yale offer is the best one of the bunch bar none. There are about 5 schools that undergrad is considered equivalent to a masters at most other schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and two others that I cannot even remember because the first three are so fucking prestigious.

Well we aren't talking just D1 man...It's a National Championship contender here. But I hear ya.

IF Michigan wants him and he gets an offer in a few months...His odds (and I'm making this shit up) went from what? 1 outta 10000 to 1 outta...a thousand?

So yeah, not great chances, and I would be risking my sons future (not like he would be a homeless bum)...I wouldn't do that. So yes, you are correct. Yale and Penn are my two schools of choice followed by Duke (my sisters attended there).
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yikes. I know some of the football players at Michigan. They're really not there for the education, and the school caters to that quite a bit. Seniors have classes of ballroom dancing and some form of math that involves emotions rather than numbers. No, I'm not kidding.

In any case, it is exciting, and I don't mean to rain on your parade. Your son is CLEARLY a talented dude, and that's fan-fucking-tastic. I would be super proud, too, and you should revel in it. And he should feel amazing, and be dang proud of what he's done. This doesn't come easily to anyone. Your son has worked hard, and you've supported him through it. Good for both of you!
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Michigan is a good academic school with a large alumni network. If you think your son is going to take school seriously, Michigan is a perfectly fine school to go to. I say this as an Aggie who hates the B1G. My mom went to Wisconsin and even she raves about Michigan.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Michigan is a good academic school with a large alumni network. If you think your son is going to take school seriously, Michigan is a perfectly fine school to go to. I say this as an Aggie who hates the B1G. My mom went to Wisconsin and even she raves about Michigan.

I don't think anyone is saying Michigan is bad for academics. I think they're saying that college football is such a huge deal there, that the focus is only on winning NCs and not on producing viable careers outside of football. Also, Jim Harbaugh is a shithead.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
If football is the focus I think you also need to conisder where he will actually get a lot of field time to.

Being on Michigan isn't great if he spends the entire time on the bench.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When you consider something like only 7% of eligible college players get drafted, and most of them are later round picks and get cut.....make him go to Yale and start making absurd money as soon as he graduates from undergrad.

Still, thats badass Brahma, kid must be incredibly smart to be offered to Yale even to play football. You gotta be a proud poppa.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
When you consider something like only 7% of eligible college players get drafted, and most of them are later round picks and get cut.....make him go to Yale and start making absurd money as soon as he graduates from undergrad.

Still, thats badass Brahma, kid must be incredibly smart to be offered to Yale even to play football. You gotta be a proud poppa.

Well they haven't offered anything yet, (No one has) just an invite to their camp. He is still 16 and a sophomore. They pretty much want to make sure that we don't forget about them when the recruiting really starts.

My school choices would be like this:


Miami was just a card handed to us at the Texas ESPN showcase. I'm not really counting on that. Penn was the same thing, though they contacted the coach at his school. I have no idea how all this will turn out, nor I know the recruiting process.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well they haven't offered anything yet, (No one has) just an invite to their camp. He is still 16 and a sophomore. They pretty much want to make sure that we don't forget about them when the recruiting really starts.

My school choices would be like this:


Miami was just a card handed to us at the Texas ESPN showcase. I'm not really counting on that. Penn was the same thing, though they contacted the coach at his school. I have no idea how all this will turn out, nor I know the recruiting process.
Wow, hes only 16?

Kid is going to be a monster by the time he's a senior, especially if he ends up lifting like his old man lol.


Still a Music Elitist
That's impressive if they're interested already. Grats Brahma. Exciting stuff.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Looks who I hope comes to dinner! He was the nicest person. More soft spoken than I expected.

Not a good day for my son. His speed was on display, but his lack of agility showed. Plus he kept going against the top 3 kids, and they made plays on him.

The defensive coordinator said he did fine. Linebacker coach made sure to give us the card.

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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Man, your gonna have to get us all some tickets and first class flights when the time comes :p
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Went to the Yale camp yesterday. My son killed it...and fucked up.

His 40 was 4.6. Not that great, but good enough for 2nd best time? His long jump was 3rd best time. Blah blah blah. He was top 5 in everything. Not number one in anything. EXCEPT he fucked up his bench press. Dumb ass didn't know that the two benches for 135 and 185 were for warming up BEFORE hitting the 225. And the kid that was taking down the 225 scores was busy...with the 225 kids. He repped the 135 till exhaustion. Only did the 225 3 times.

The last race was a suicide to the 5 yard line then 40 yard dash. He ran to the 10. He never caught up and was in the middle of the pack for that 40 yard dash. He runs it AGAIN 30 seconds later with the running backs and receivers right after...Only comes in like 5th. They were only taking the top 3 kids from each heat for the finals. Kid that won it was the kid who had the better 40 time, so he never would have won that anyway. But he missed a chance to shine.

Three times they worked with him on the side with the multiple coaches (there were the same 5 kids or so). Enough that parents approached me to ask me what that was all about. Yale, and they explained everything on how they recruit. No BS. They know what they are offering. No fucks given. Loved it.

They don't do verbals.

1200 minimum SAT score. Minimum 3.2 GPA. Both can slide against each other.

They have a maximum of 8 scholarships pretty much each year for their camps. They usually hand out 2-3 after about 5 camps of 200 kids.

They need you to fit in with the team. No ego's no assholes.

It will take them until the end of the summer to evaluate everyone. If they are interested you will know immediately though.

They grade you 1 to 4. 1 they offer you a scholarship. 4 no interest.

My son is a 2.

He has no SAT scores. Only two years of transcripts. Only 16 years old. Even though he graduated 10th grade...He is a transitional sophomore they called it. He has only one year of game film...which they have looked at. They said that film was good not great.

Someone here on FoH said it...almost all his highlights are of him barely being touched. That won't happen in D1. He relies strictly on speed and strength. That's fine, they want to see more of him with technique against real comp. They understand that probably won't happen because of the competition of his league and his growth. I was just happy they knew he had film!

They will evaluate his camp film the next couple weeks. He is on their radar AFTER his SAT scores. (He is a 3.6 GPA). They asked me to bring him next year with work on a few items. (drills that he never ran). One coach pulled us to the side, and said just do what he is doing and he's 100% positive they won't want to lose him if he is still interested in Yale. They REALLY want his SAT scores.
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Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
I wondered how they did scholarships, 8 a year sounds about right - no brainer if he gets an offer. Followed his account you linked, he’s doing a good job with it.

If not Yale I’m kinda hoping Duke, I’d be going to watch him play along with a couple of other kids I know and coached.


<Gold Donor>
Went to the Yale camp yesterday. My son killed it...and fucked up.

His 40 was 4.6. Not that great, but good enough for 2nd best time? His long jump was 3rd best time. Blah blah blah. He was top 5 in everything. Not number one in anything. EXCEPT he fucked up his bench press. Dumb ass didn't know that the two benches for 135 and 185 were for warming up BEFORE hitting the 225. And the kid that was taking down the 225 scores was busy...with the 225 kids. He repped the 135 till exhaustion. Only did the 225 3 times.

The last race was a suicide to the 5 yard line. He ran to the 10. He never caught up. was in the middle of the back for that 40 yard dash. He runs it AGAIN 30 seconds later with the running backs and receivers right after...Only comes in like 5th. They were only taking the top 3 kids from each heat for the finals. Kid that won it was the kid who had the better 40 time, so he never would have won that anyway. But he missed a chance to shine.

Three times they worked with him on the side with the multiple coaches (there were the same 5 kids or so). Enough that parents approached me to ask me what that was all about. Yale, and they explained everything on how they recruit. No BS. They know what they are offering. No fucks given. Loved it.

They don't do verbals.

1200 minimum SAT score. Minimum 3.2. Both can slide against each other.

They have a maximum of 8 scholarships pretty much each year for their camps. They usually hand out 2-3 after about 5 camps of 200 kids.

They need you to fit in with the team. No ego's no assholes.

It will take them until the end of the summer to evaluate everyone. If they are interested you will know immediately though.

They grade you 1 to 4. 1 they offer you a scholarship. 4 no interest.

My son is a 2.

He has no SAT scores. Only two years of transcripts. Only 16. Even though he graduated 10th grade...He is a transitional sophomore they called it. He has only one year of game film...which they have looked at. They said that film was good not great.

Someone here said it. Almost all his highlights are him barely being touched. That won't happen in D1. He relies strictly on speed and strength. That's fine, they want to see more of him with technique against real comp. They understand that probably won't happen because of the competition/league/his growth. I was just happy they knew he had film!

They will evaluate his camp film the next couple weeks. He is on their radar AFTER his SAT scores. (He is a 3.6 GPA). They asked me to bring him next year with work on a few items. (drills that he never ran). One coach pulled us to the side, and said just do what he is doing and he's 100% positive they won't want to lose him if he is still interested in Yale. They REALLY want his SAT scores.

That's got to be an awesome feeling/proud dad moment whether he makes it or not.

Okie State picked 5th in the Big 12, and think they may be even worse. Hoping they make a bowl game at a minimum, anything on top of that is gravy. Think OU is still probably favorite, but interested to see how Riley does without Baker this season, and think Texas, TCU etc could all give them run for $


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So Urban has known about the abuse since 2015 and kept the guy on staff. He denied knowing about it last week. Urban bout to get fucked.