I am really sorry to hear you have this.
My cousin, who is for the most part the brother I have never had, is going through this right now at age 43. He had a round of chemo, they took his colon out and he has a bag, then went through another round of preventative chemo. They found some small spots on his lung and it had spread. He went through another 6 months of chemo and now they are going to do surgery on his lung to get the rest of it. He has 4 kids, one is a new born. He was the best man in my wedding and planned off chemo treatments with his Doctor so he could feel better for my Bachelor party and wedding day. The guy is a trooper. We have become even closer in the last year, which if you knew the both of us, you wouldn't think would be possible.
My advice is to stay positive (Easier said then done) and stay off the internet looking at statistics and 5 year survival rates. A lot of people are diagnosed after age 65, so when you are younger like you are, it is a very treatable / curable (Even at Stage 3) disease. So it goes without saying that if you see lower than normal survival rates, age has a LOT to do with it, and when people die with this cancer in that age bracket, it effects the percentages for everyone. And most older people believe it or not die from something else, but it is still counted in the survival rate from what I am told.
You'll be fine
With the added bonus of being able to play games without having to get up and take a dump! It will be automatic for you!! (Sorry trying to make you laugh a bit)
Hang in there. And for the record, anyone that bashes you in the games threads for asking for beta invites to take your mind off it can get go get fucked in their ear.