Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This reminds me, I am currently readingMarvel Comics: The Untold Storyand am just at the 90's part when the industry fell apart with the special covers and shit.but not the shitfest that Marvel and DC have made of things for the past few decades where every year or two there is some giant crossover
Basically I wanted to know if any of our insider types have an opinion on the accuracy of the book. It feels like it's doing a great job of staying impartial, especially when it comes to the Jack Kirby/Stan Lee disagreements. Maybe a littletooimpartial in fact. I don't know anything about the situation, but it's can't be as straightforwardly 50/50 as the book makes it seem. There's no effort here to pick sides, and it made me curious.
It sounds like Kirby sort of went off the deep end as he got older. Started claiming he not only created all those characters himself, but did all the writing etc himself even. Some of it has a small basis it seems(Spider-Man and the earlier "Silver Spider" character he made with Joe Simon), but the way he frames it just comes off as a delusional old man trying to take full credit for things he sometimes was only tangentially involved in.