Welp i have been avoiding the new valiant stuff. But I just saw Archer and Armstrong riding dinosaurs fighting UFO's.... That is a good comic booking. Plus since that Incredible Herc run Van Lente is a diety of comic booking to me.So comicbt has moved/upgraded to be 32pag.es . At some point recently. Seems decent I guess. Biggest change for me is I have 10 invites to the new site. So you know...PM me with an email if you want one.
edit: I saw this link in the movie house.
All The Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Aren't From Marvel Or DC
And it piqued my interest. Any on there I should definitely jump in to? Already caught up on the new run of Bloodshot and read Superior. I started Elephantmen when it was brand new but bailed after a few issues for no real reason, worth picking back up?
Think I'll give Starlight a whirl. I'm a big fan of the burnt out/cynical old superhero style story.
Yes, it has Cybernary 2.0. I just checked.Grim does ComicBT have a lot of the older stuff? I can not for the life of me find a tracker with some older comics from the 90's like Cybernary 2.0 etc.
Is that tracker super hard to get an invite too.
Grimm has 10, I have 10, probably others have 10. So up to you if you want to PM someone your email address I suppose, and whether or not they will invite you (I would, I assume you keep your ratios up.)Is that tracker super hard to get an invite too.
Yeah well are you suprised? Its to torpedo a dumb movie.future foundation was 2 years ago? this dealt with the aftermath of Jonny storm being the ultimate leader of the n-zone, somehow, reed apparently being a bastard, and sue being super menopausey.
oh and SHIELD somehow is able to take away not only their own biological kids, but all the weird kids that just live there.
It was shit, i hope everyone dies in a fire, and they never have any fantastic shit ever again. (since it was supposedly the end)