ha. so, my facebook is full of comic pros.
95% have gone full NPC of course.
Yesterday, an amusing thing went around. another twitter/tumbler decides to "fix" art that has the audacity to not be fat.
its of course the classic Campbell Mary Jane cover.
not sure how many picked up on it. Mark Brooks was the one I saw, and tons of comments. His take, was both bad and good. Elitist nepotism, but at least defending artists..
he's since deleted it... but it was, "this is bad, you'll never get a job in this industry by attacking the established pros. don't do this, no one will ever want to work with you." paraphrased.
I deleted the post from last night. It seemed to be getting out of control and the point was being missed by many people. It was becoming an excuse for people to attack each other.
As a friend pointed out, it can be perceived as punching down and the amount of comments and shares proved that. I love having discussions around the subject of art and the comic business but think my knee jerk reaction probably wasn't the best idea.
Oh well, I live, I learn.
as you can see the comic book industry has of course been totally infested.
Jeff himself however... said, Naww. get the fuck out of my house, you trash.