Command of War - Flash-Style WW1 Trench tug-of-war


So I found this the other day on YouTube - couldn't find anything on it on steam, but ended up finding the demo.

Game is a mini-tug of war/RTS style game of two opposing sets of trenches - goal is to reach the enemies' last trench. You earn a set income every few seconds, but can pick up random bonuses on the field as the game progresses. Machine Gun and trench officer need to be unlocked with intelligence the first time, but after that you can use them as long as you can afford them.

Pretty simple and fun - definitely looking forward to the full release.

If you want to try it, I found it here - but be warned the link does have a fair share of adware/spyware. If someone can tell me where to go I can try re-uploading the demo elsewhere. The WinZip is 25.7 mb

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Shit Gamer
Seems like a somewhat novel concept which is cool. Can't imagine it having much longevity/depth though.


I agree. Supposedly they're adding a few more units and support weapons as well as more terrain (bonuses/negatives) so there will be a little more than what's in the demo. I'm intrigued in what the campaign will be like - boss units, maybe?

I don't see this going for more than $10 which I think fits if it ends up where I think it will. Mostly just wanted to post it because people seem to be getting into BF1 and I thought some might want a little more grit after a session of lens flares and explosions.


New version is pretty cool and I can access this one without the firewall blocking the download link. A+ would send Soldiers over the top to avoid gas/shelling again.