Company of Heroes 2


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not that Metacritic means a whole lot, but there is a huge disparity between the user reviews (2.0) and the critic reviews. Were there underlying issues with the game (like DRM or something like that)? The first game was great and I might eventually pick this up, just checking to see how good it is.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
First game in a long time that I paid full price for and I regret it immensely. What made CoH1 great in my mind was pretty good balance which made for some hard choices for either faction that if scouted correctly could be countered but if not scouted you'd get rolled along with an excellent ladder/match making system. CoH2 has none of what made CoH1 great, balance is utter shit and there is no ladder nor any plans for one based on the last post that I read by Relic. I can go on and on about the balance stuff if you want but it's pretty readily available on the Relic boards with all the bitching.


Buzzfeed Editor
Not only imbalance, but imbalance that forces close to 1 strategy only for Germans and same for Russian. Only slight change maybe is if Russian tries clown car cheese, but even then doesn't change things greatly.

For me what's pissing me off most is the apparently poor optimization. Run crysis 3 and other games ultra or otherwise pretty high. God forbid I alt tab this fucking game when it's loading a match (who doesn't alt tab when you are waiting 5 mins for a game sometimes) and even during a game it's pretty harsh trying to get back in from an alt tab.