If anyone has any experience with routers, maybe someone can help me out. So I upgraded my ISP package to 100mb/s down, but needed a new router to replace my aging one to get all the speed from the upgrade. I ended up buying a Netgear Nighthawk ac1900 R7000, and now I get the full speed, but i've been having random disconnects which really interrupt gaming. The internet goes down completely for about 5 seconds, then it comes back online and everything is well. It seems to happen randomly, once in 3 hours, twice in 15 minutes, none for 6+ hours.. etc, but seems to happen about 3-5 times a day atm. I'm unsure if it's effecting wi-fi as well, but it definitely effecting the WAN.
First thing I did was get rid of the shitty netgear firmware, and flashed the router to open source DD-WRT.. but i'm still getting the random disconnects. Did a shitload of googling around, and i've tried all kinds of different router settings based on suggestions i've read around the net. Seems that i'm not the only one suffering from this problem with this particular router model. Does anyone own this router? Is it a hardware issue? Or is there some magical router setting combination that will fix the problem? At this point gaming is way to frustrating with a problem like this, randomly getting kicked out of whatever you are playing online is not fun.