Also, if you have graphics card on your motherboard, try pulling your graphics card and using the mobo to see if it runs without issue.
Does the screen lock with the image still there, or go blank? Screen locks sounds like a driver issue, screen goes blank sounds like a power or hardware issue.
Immediately after a crash...
On bootup, Windows Key, type "event", hit Enter.
Hit the > next to Windows Logs, click System.
If it's a driver issue, you should see an Error with a timestamp before your boot time. Any errors after the boot time are representative of not having a clean shutdown.
Copy and post the information under the General tab of the Error, if any.
When I boot up the computer I do get 1 error in the logs. When I click on it this is what's listed in the general tab.
The CldFlt service failed to start due to the following error:
The request is not supported.
Can you get the clock to display with seconds? Makes it easy to tell if the OS is partially/fully hanging.
Still no clue as to what the root cause of the issue is.. It's driving me bonkers.
Try this:
Then maybe also try changing your Power Settings to "High Performance". Windows Key, type "Power Settings", hit Enter, click "Additional power settings" top right, change plan to High Performance.
Have you tried going into your bios and setting your processor to the "eco" or whatever the lowest power setting is and see if that buys you more time in between freezes? I'll bet it's the motherboard itself causing the issue. Have you also tried monitoring CPU heat? HWMONITOR | Softwares | CPUID Try seeing what pops up on that before it freezes - especially check if there are any heat or voltage issues.