I hate Windows 10 not you, Alavaz. I thank you for your patience and advice thus far. I'm just frustrated.
I hate Windows 10 not you, Alavaz. I thank you for your patience and advice thus far. I'm just frustrated.
Do you have access to, Powershell(Administrator) might be able too help you....(without needing the group policy editor from the Pro upgrade)
I do. What do I do with it?
Write-Host "0 -> Change setting in Windows Update app (default)"
Write-Host "1 -> Never check for updates (not recommended)"
Write-Host "2 -> Notify for download and notify for install"
Write-Host "3 -> Auto download and notify for install"
Write-Host "4 -> Auto download and schedule the install"
Write-Host "Enter any character to exit"
switch(Read-Host "Choose Window Update Settings"){
0 {$UpdateValue = 0}
1 {$UpdateValue = 1}
2 {$UpdateValue = 2}
3 {$UpdateValue = 3}
4 {$UpdateValue = 4}
$WindowsUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\"
$AutoUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU"
If(Test-Path -Path $WindowsUpdatePath) {
Remove-Item -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Recurse
If ($UpdateValue -gt 0) {
New-Item -Path $WindowsUpdatePath
New-Item -Path $AutoUpdatePath
If ($UpdateValue -eq 1) {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 1
If ($UpdateValue -eq 2) {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 2
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallDay -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3
If ($UpdateValue -eq 3) {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 3
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallDay -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3
If ($UpdateValue -eq 4) {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 4
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallDay -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3
Is this a computer you built ? or a HP/Dell/some other rape artists computer ?(it does matter when it comes to Admin access, sense some of them lock off full admin control, via WIM)
Right click powershell > run as admin. It won't start with elevated privs regardless of what your account has by default.
i think i want to downgrade my Windows 10 laptop to Windows 7. where's good to buy product keys for Windows 7?
There is at least 1 guy still selling W7 keys at Marketplace for Microsoft Software • r/microsoftsoftwareswap
Gauntlet time,
What does Device Manager say, about "Display Adapters" ...
Sense you said, that the problem has slowly been creeping into other games, I have a strange feeling that your power supply is not providing enough juice to the 12v rail for your video card, PCI-Express provides enough power to put the card into a basic mode, but not enough for the full chip..