Captain Suave
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
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- 9,511
I didn't post that
You're right. I have no idea how I ended up quoting you. My bad.
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I didn't post that
Spoke with my GP about this. Dropped daily low dose aspirin. Wondering about lisinopril (ace inhibitor).
Also there is a decent chance our dogs are harboring covid19.
Trying to take a stab at this. I tried to pull the info from reliable sources, and of course the numbers are constantly being adjusted but:
China claims no new locally transmitted coronavirus cases (first time since contagion began). China has employed totalitarian lockdown of Wuhan, and much of Hubei Province. With less strict, but still much stricter than US policy quarantines and procedures in other areas of China. Info is hard to come by and suspect at best, especially considering they tried to cover up the initial outbreak.
Singapore and Hong Kong have somehow managed the pandemic better than every other first world country (sovereignty) by a mile. Both announced their first confirmed case on January 23rd. Hong Kong has 4 confirmed deaths, Singapore has 0. Both are employing targeted quarantines with very strict rules while allowing regular commerce and personal activity to continue. Going as far as requiring ankle bracelets and phone monitoring apps to track movements and alert authorities in real time of compliance failures.
Germany has taken a much more lax approach opting to curfew the public rather than shut down commerce entirely. Only gathering places like Museums and Gyms are closed. Restaurants, Hair Salons, etc are allowed to continue to operate. While their new cases are growing at expected rates with no real quarantine action, with 12k+ confirmed cases, they've somehow managed to keep death rates low, at 28 confirmed. Germany's first case was January 27th and their contagion rate is alarming, but they seem to be managing cases better than almost any other country out there.
Italy is a dumpster fire and Spain is quickly turning into one as well with Spain's first case confirmed on January 31st. Spain and Italy are now both unconcerned with their economies as the pandemics have clearly gotten out of hand and people are dying at alarming rates. Instituting strict quarantines.
South Korea had been as good as Hong Kong and Singapore, had a slight blip, but seems to be on the down trend again. They too have employed targeted quarantines and strict testing measures. South Korea has tested more than 270k people, roughly 5200 tests per 1 million people. By comparison the USA has performed 74 tests per 1 million people. South Korea is also using phone apps to track movements of infected, quarantined individuals. Commerce has not been shuttered or shut down.
The USA falls somewhere in the middle of all of this. Our major failing being lack of testing kits to effectively target quarantine and isolation efforts and a complete lack of support for our first line of defense, healthcare. Instead electing to flail at the wind by closing schools and other low risk institutions first and foremost while our politicians and leaders play the blame game and fight about whether or not it's racist to call it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" Coronavirus. 2 very big words.
India inexplicably has managed to, so far, remain virtually unscathed by COVID-19.
Cross post from the other thread, if there are people here, just watching this thread.
Elon Musk is pretty much a fraud who speaks from a platform of mostly unearned credulity and should not be quoted, about anything, ever.
I'm sorry. I know that people love to think of him as some sort of Issac Newton type of figure, but the truth is that he is more akin to an L. Ron Hubbard type of figure.
Twitter done fucked me up.
THE quote of the 21st Century.
Curfews seem to be counterproductive. They seem to force the population to all do whatever it is they do, in an even tighter and time-crunched and more confined way which seems to achieve the opposite of what we are trying to do: social distancing. Maybe Aunt Mable is always going to walk her dog at 11:00. But maybe I, as a younger person, can walk my dog at 23:00. But with a curfew in place, this discourages me from doing that and I am actually now almost forced into close proximity with Aunt Amble at 11:00.
Quarantines make sense, curfews do not. Then again it is Germany. Those mother fuckers haven't made sense in something like 150 years.
Be wary of lisinopril. Lots of people are allergic to it. Watch yourself for unusual swelling.
Wary, not afraid. It works great if you're not allergic to it. But it seems like 1 in 5 people are. I don't know if that's accurate, but it seems that way.
Universal's movies currently in theaters will be made available on demand this week
With the coronavirus disrupting the global theater marketplace, Universal Pictures is making some of its current film releases available on demand starting this week, the studio announced
Never attribute to conspiracy what can just as easily be attributed to incompetence.Proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.
TL;DR Nature does not believe it's an intentionally created bioweapon, but they do leave open the possibility (theory #3) of it having arisen/mutated spontaneously from the original SARS virus from an in-lab cell culture (meaning, it may still have arisen from Wuhan's BSL-4 lab). There is also evidence (older article) that the Chicoms knew about SARS-CoV-2 since at least December.
Thus the picture coming into view seems to be ineptitude led to release sometime in late November/early December; they attempted to cover up (poorly), but Pandora's box was already open.