Musty Nester
Sweet, I'm white and have great credit. #immune
God Damn, just another great thing about being white. Does it ever stop? Pretty sure it doesn't.
Sweet, I'm white and have great credit. #immune
We're at >200k excess deaths above statistical norms.Has anyone released data yet on how many more people have died this year than in previous years?
We're at >200k excess deaths above statistical norms.
And considering how many people are not doing their daily office commute, that's a lot of excess deaths.
Suicides and ODs are apparently way up also.
But I bet traffic accidents and flu are way down.
Traffic accidents obviously but not the flu.
I think my wife had it in January.
Highly doubtful unless you live in a major city with heavy international travel to get it that early. Big reason why this started so heavily in the NYC area.
Saw a stat yesterday that for every 3 deaths directly attributed to covid another 2 died due to the lock-down, from things such as poorer access to medical care.
The figures include 6,000 people who did not attend A&E at the height of lockdown because of fears they might catch the virus and the feeling they should remain at home because of the "Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives" message. Likewise, 10,000 people are thought to have died in care homes due to early discharge from hospital and not being able to access critical care.
The report also found that 2,500 lives may have been saved during lockdown because of healthier lifestyles, fewer infectious diseases in children, falls in air pollution and a decrease in road deaths....
Lockdown 'killed two people for every three who died of coronavirus' at peak of outbreak
Estimates show 16,000 people died through missed medical care by May 1, while virus killed 25,000 in same periodwww.telegraph.co.uk
I mean reality just says that isn't true. The elephant in the room that just keeps getting ignored by the media is that the virus is gonna virus. People are going to get infected. It's just a sliding window of when. What's happened over the summer would have just happened sooner and we'd be that much further through it. The reality is ongoing lockdowns at this point are just going to drag out the process, they aren't really helping anything.It's certainly a complicated situation. It's easy to take the 2 non-corona deaths and say 'well, that 3+2 deaths is almost double the direct death rate, we should have just avoided lock-down and took double corona deaths' but then if we hadn't locked down the deaths from corona could have been 10. It's likely to be years until we know whats happened. It's a damned if you, damned if you don't situation for sure.
Plus, how many people had chinese bat aids before the panic and it was treated like flu? I think my wife had it in January. The tests all came back negative but the Dr said it's some kind of flu, here's some thera flu.
Hope of a vaccine and deaths due to inadequate healthcare since hospitals are over capacity are the counterpoints to this.I mean reality just says that isn't true. The elephant in the room that just keeps getting ignored by the media is that the virus is gonna virus. People are going to get infected. It's just a sliding window of when. What's happened over the summer would have just happened sooner and we'd be that much further through it. The reality is ongoing lockdowns at this point are just going to drag out the process, they aren't really helping anything.
Hope of a vaccine and deaths due to inadequate healthcare since hospitals are over capacity are the counterpoints to this.
That said, I don't like that there isn't major discussion for selective lockdowns. Quarantine people at risk while letting healthy individuals work. Tune the lockdown based on hospital capacity and lag time from infection.
Isn't this somewhat already happening with nursing homes though? Most nursing homes are already in a lockdown state where residents don't leave and staff gets checked every time they walk in the door yet every other day I see on the news (at least around here) that this home or that home has gotten some infections because staff somehow are still bringing it in. Nursing home deaths are still keeping around 50% no?
While yes hospitals getting overrun would be a problem, that didn't actually happen. Instead we just financially destroyed hospitals along with the rest of the country.Hope of a vaccine and deaths due to inadequate healthcare since hospitals are over capacity are the counterpoints to this.
That said, I don't like that there isn't major discussion for selective lockdowns. Quarantine people at risk while letting healthy individuals work. Tune the lockdown based on hospital capacity and lag time from infection.