Coronavirus Updates, Important Information, and Ancedotal Experience


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Anecdotally, anything is possible. Anything.

Shit, I thought this was the Coronavirus Information and anecdotal experience thread. Thanks to your expert Amod guidance, another tragedy has been averted.
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Got something right about marriage
Different states in the U.S. may as well be entirely different countries. Your view on this pandemic will be wildly different depending on where you live.

CT is an interesting state in regards to this. We have the third highest per capita death rate in the country at the moment, behind NY and NJ. Most of our cases, unsurprisingly, are in Fairfield county which is closest to NYC and has a lot of people who commute back and forth to NYC for work. Then we have some pockets in New Haven and Hartford in poorer areas.

The people who live in those pockets are very concerned, everyone else in CT probably can't even tell it's bad at all here.
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
<Gold Donor>
Eh I'll get the vaccine (if one comes out) a year after it's been on the market. I die before then so be it. I do luv me some vaccines tho.
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Ron Paul, in a Monday interview with host Dan Dicks at Press for Truth, warns that people “should be leery about” coronavirus vaccines that may come out. Further, says Paul, a doctor and former United States House of Representatives member, “right now I wouldn’t think there is any indication for anybody to take them,” noting that “scare tactics” are being used to pressure people into thinking they should take such potential vaccines to protect against coronavirus.

Paul supports this conclusion by stressing in the interview the potential danger of a vaccine as well as the overstated threat from coronavirus.

Regarding the potential danger from a coronavirus vaccine, Paul discusses at the beginning of the interview how, in 1976 in his first week as a House member, Paul was one of only two members, both doctors, who voted against legislation that helped rush through a vaccine in response to swine flu. Paul describes the results of the push for people to take the swine flu vaccine as follows:

They rushed the vaccine through. The vaccine was not properly made. It had nothing to do with the virus that was out there, so it saved nobody’s life from it. It caused a lot of harm. More people ended up dying from the inoculation than died from the flu that year. And that sort of was a lesson, like that’s a little bit too extreme. But, that’s about what happens when governments get involved and you do things for political reasons.

There was also, because a lot of people ended up getting the vaccine, I think there were like 50 people or more who got Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is temporary total paralysis and you can die from it but most of them did get better. But, it was a very, very serious complication of a viral injection, you know, a vaccine.

Paul also discusses in the interview the overstated danger from coronavirus that is being used to scare people to take actions including to potentially take a coronavirus vaccine.

Paul notes that many of the people whose deaths have been blamed on coronavirus are elderly people, including people living in nursing homes, who have multiple other diseases. Further, explains Paul, doctors have “been instructed by [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other politicians that, when the doctors sign the death certificate, if [patients] have four different things but they happen to have a positive test for the virus that is to be put down as the major cause of death.” “The numbers mean nothing,” concludes Paul regarding the daily tabulation of coronavirus deaths.

In addition, Paul explains that many more people than officially recorded have contracted coronavirus. Some of these individuals never became sick. Others got better without any treatment, says Paul, pointing to his son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as an example. While Rand Paul was given a test that confirmed he had coronavirus, most people who have had coronavirus and suffered no to minor medical problems have not been tested. With “probably millions of people” having contracted coronavirus, Paul concludes that the percentage of people who have contracted coronavirus and have died as a result “is probably very, very small.”

While Paul says he would choose not to take a vaccine for the coronavirus should one appear next week even if people claim it is 99 percent effective, he says that the decision to take or not take a vaccine is one that should be made by each individual, who can discuss the vaccine alternative with a doctor. Absolutely, Paul concludes, that decision should not be made by government.

Watch here Paul’s complete interview, in which he also discusses how government actions taken in the name of fighting coronavirus are harming the economy and his support for people speaking out for ending coronavirus-justified encroachments on freedom


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Same shit you saw with retards buying even non-essential things like TP
The people who bought toilet paper were smart. People are using way more retail, home toilet paper and way less commercial toilet paper found in public restrooms and offices.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Get your picards ready it's an Amod message:

There is zero issue with discussing/arguing/calling each other retarded about lock downs, death numbers etc this is just not the thread for it. Primarily for people to simply talk about how it's affecting their lives/work/health etc. And to post non political hard data when it's available (this is somewhat subjective but I'm sure those with above a room temp IQ can figure it out). This bill passed, this drug just left trial, XYZ state is now open etc. If you see a post that makes you question the length and girth of your phallus vs the posters simply quote it and respond in the other thread. You aren't in this thread to convince anyone of your ideas or of how retarded they are.

This thread is not a safe space for either side to come and post something inflammatory without it being challenged. It's a safe space for saying, my kid has covid and only got a slight fever. My boss is making me work during the shutdown. Things like "What do you guys think about giving our kids the vaccine next year if it's available?" should be able to be discussed without it turning into a discussion about how much someone thinks Orange man Bad or how it's all a hoax flu to steal our rights.
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Tranny Chaser
The people who bought toilet paper were smart. People are using way more retail, home toilet paper and way less commercial toilet paper found in public restrooms and offices.
Is it bc stay at home cunts need 5+ layers, where as men monsters make do with sandpaper folded? :trollface:
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Riddle me this...
Ripped off T-shirt sleeves my dude. Toilet paper and a fucking cool shirt when you're done.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Our normal auto delivery of tp and paper towels showed up yesterday, so maybe the retard storm is passing.

Collin county is up to 609 cases and 1 death out of a million people, so my local concern level is pretty low.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
We just put out a "hiring" ad as new business is actually outpacing what we normally do this time of year. With so many people home, the demand for new pools, renovations, and weekly service has skyrocketed. Previously have had to hire a lot of shit tier candidates due to the roaring economy, usually go through 3 guys before finding one that sticks. Now we can be a little more discriminate, also weeds out the losers that would rather spend the summer getting juicy unemployment than working. Just need a decent driving record, be in ok shape, and not look like someone that's going to scare the kids. Everyone gets a work truck to take home and my guys all make $850 - $1000/wk. They're all in their mid 20's, basic high school grads. It's not all doom and gloom out there.
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<Silver Donator>

Just what we need- the COVID app tracker...
Because no one is using the Rubmaps app these days...
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Who was the guy earlier in this thread who was saying very seriously that drinking hydrogen peroxide would kill the virus? And what happened to that guy? He is either dead or got a job as a medical advisor.


Got something right about marriage
Lumi? Poor guy is just misunderstood because he's so ahead of his time.
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