Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey


Musty Nester
If they're gonna to lay it on that fucking thick they need to also spend time on the crackpots, and the self interest, and the politics of academics, and stop trying to portray everyone that ever lived as visionary prophets sticking it to the man. The point they're making is fair and can be fairly made, but there is such a thing as gross oversimplification to the point of intellectual dishonesty. You don't tell a mans life story in 30 seconds.

It would be better to not try to tell a mans life story in 30 seconds, but I guess they made that decision.


Oh yes hello let me tell you about how the coolest fucking shit on the planet was invented but as I get to the end of the story I wont explain how the discovery works and why. I'll just talk more about this guy. HEY HAVE YOU MET THIS GUY? HERE'S 10 MINUTES OF CONVERSATION FROM HIM, OH BUT WE JUST MADE IT UP AND IT IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO THE SHOW.

This episode was like a god damn magic show. They show all these tricks and not how it works. That's the motherfucking PURPOSE of the show. Aren't you trying to inspire a new generation of scientists and people that value science. Oh let's just worship the human beings who make discoveries instead of worshiping the beauty of how we can harness the natural functioning of nature to do amazing things.


Still a Music Elitist
Oh yes hello let me tell you about how the coolest fucking shit on the planet was invented but as I get to the end of the story I wont explain how the discovery works and why. I'll just talk more about this guy. HEY HAVE YOU MET THIS GUY? HERE'S 10 MINUTES OF CONVERSATION FROM HIM, OH BUT WE JUST MADE IT UP AND IT IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO THE SHOW.

This episode was like a god damn magic show. They show all these tricks and not how it works. That's the motherfucking PURPOSE of the show. Aren't you trying to inspire a new generation of scientists and people that value science. Oh let's just worship the human beings who make discoveries instead of worshiping the beauty of how we can harness the natural functioning of nature to do amazing things.
Exactly. This episode was pretty disappointing after the beginning showed so much promise.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
You guys have some sand filled vaginas. If you want to know why light in a dialectric material is able to be affected by magnetic fields, go to another place. The Faraday effect is actually very advanced and hard to understand. It will go over the head of almost everyone watching the show.

I really liked the part that deals with the personal lives of the scientist making the discoveries. It is very interesting to know about the person behind the name. All the show is doing is putting a human element in something as cold and as impersonal as "Maxwell's equations", "Faraday Effect", "Halleys comet", "Newton's Law", etc.


Toe Sucker
Enjoyed Faradays story. Inexplicable universe is on Netflix and a good watch
I marathoned that shit when i saw it on there and found it way more interesting than the first couple episodes i watched of this new series (i've only watched 4 or so).. maybe i just find the overly done visuals of this show to be a little too distracting

Or perhaps it was just more intellectually stimulating.. either way i loved Inexplicable Universe lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Kind of agree with most people here. This episode seemed more like a history lesson than a focus on science.


Musty Nester
You can tell that Sagan was already a Professor when he did his show and that McFarlane is not.

I wonder how much input Tyson has had into these scripts. Maybe he's writing all of them, I don't know. And maybe he wanted to put his own mark on it, focusing more on the history than the science. I don't know. And maybe I can understand that decision on a personal level. The internet exists, if Tyson can tell you what to google for you can go look it up yourself. But wikipedia won't tell you the stories behind the names. Maybe that's what he's thinking. And maybe that's not objectionable.

In another 15 years whenever someone talks about Cosmos, they're going to be talking about Sagans, not this one. I'm sorry but this one is forgettable.

They may have a balls out episode or two still in the can. Who knows.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i don't like the fact that mcfarlane got involved in this. though a genius that he is, his team of voice actors reminds me of family guy and i can't seem to take their approach seriously. almost cringeworthy when they used the "deaf" voice actor....


Musty Nester
I really don't blame McFarlane though. I don't think this was entirely cynical. He's got money now, he's in a position to make a show that he wants to make.

And even though it's not as good as it SHOULD be, it's still better than most shows of this nature. McFarlane doesn't have to be jesus. He tried, he met with some limited success. I don't begrudge that.


Molten Core Raider
The fact that without McFarlane this show would not have gotten made, and people wouldn't learn and get interested in science and the world around them, makes it a success. I mean, this is a prime time Sunday show and not doing horrible, either, considering it's up against GoT.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Trollface... You are an idiot man... She wasn't deaf enough for you? Also I'm very grateful to anyone who pushed to have this show made. It is high quality tv that teaches something.


Silver Squire
Just got to watching it and I enjoyed the episode. I've liked all the history presentation thus far in the show although I'm not sure how the masses will take to it.


Bronze Squire
You can tell that Sagan was already a Professor when he did his show and that McFarlane is not.

I wonder how much input Tyson has had into these scripts. Maybe he's writing all of them, I don't know. And maybe he wanted to put his own mark on it, focusing more on the history than the science. I don't know. And maybe I can understand that decision on a personal level. The internet exists, if Tyson can tell you what to google for you can go look it up yourself. But wikipedia won't tell you the stories behind the names. Maybe that's what he's thinking. And maybe that's not objectionable.

In another 15 years whenever someone talks about Cosmos, they're going to be talking about Sagans, not this one. I'm sorry but this one is forgettable.

They may have a balls out episode or two still in the can. Who knows.
NDT said on his podcast that he tried to be a part of the writing but quickly realized he was far out of his element and gave up. The two people doing the writing were 2 of the 3 writers for the original Cosmos (with the third being Sagan).

Was very disappointed that at some point during this last episode the line "and THAT is how magnets work" wasn't uttered.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also somewhat dislike the bias the show goes on about. It refuses to show why scientists refused to acknowledge some of these "discoveries" when the discovery wasn't backed up very well. Someone made up a partially substantiated hypothesis and presented it. Eventually it was true from years of research but I wasn't aware that scientists were supposed to just blindly believe whatever story someone asserts. They portray these people as close minded and evil when they simply didn't have enough evidence to believe the story.


The episode tonight was really good. I wasn't aware of the theory that one solar system's planetary impact debris could make it to another solar system with life potentially intact.


Molten Core Raider
I thought it was good as well. Next week should have the anti-GW crowd going nuts.