Counter-Strike 2


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
When do we get zombie escape and surfing maps? CSS was better for that than CSGO it felt like

Like the old LOTR zombie maps were awesome


Toe Sucker
When do we get zombie escape and surfing maps? CSS was better for that than CSGO it felt like

Like the old LOTR zombie maps were awesome
damn this just reminded me of the old warcraft mod in source/1.6, those custom games were fun lol
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
zombie escape

I wonder how many hours I spent playing zombie panic/escape. Absolutely loved that mod.
  • 1Solidarity
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I totally feel you on the nostalgia – those zombie panic/escape mods were an absolute blast. They brought a whole new level of fun and unpredictability to the game.

Now, with CS2, it's like reliving those good times with a fresh twist. I can't wait to see what new experiences await us in this era.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh yay CSGO 1.5....

One shot AK headshots and the AWP are both still retarded as fuck.

The reason the AK feels so OP in GO/CS2 is because the jump in recoil in the first 3-4 bullets was way WAY higher in 1.6 - you couldn't do a 3 round burst even at medium range cuz they would go 6 feet over the enemies head. Starting with GO they made the initial jump much less which basically made the M4 shit compared to the AK.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Oh yay CSGO 1.5....

The reason the AK feels so OP in GO/CS2 is because the jump in recoil in the first 3-4 bullets was way WAY higher in 1.6 - you couldn't do a 3 round burst even at medium range cuz they would go 6 feet over the enemies head. Starting with GO they made the initial jump much less which basically made the M4 shit compared to the AK.

I get that, but it also feels OP because it is a 1 shot kill even with head armor. That is just too OP with how aiming works in the game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Totally agree with your take on the AK in CS /CS2. It's crazy how much they've tweaked the recoil since 1.6. I remember those days vividly; trying to control the AK's recoil felt like wrestling with an angry bull! The shift definitely tilted the balance in favor of the AK over the M4. Also, I'm new here, so forgive me if this has been discussed to death, but have you checked out this whitepaper site I stumbled upon? It's got some intriguing insights on gaming mechanics and balance adjustments. Have you tried any android games that pay instantly to cash app? I've been on the lookout for some fun distractions that also pad the wallet a bit. Let me know if you've got any recommendations!
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  • 1Worf
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The AK is suppose to have harder to control recoil, so they make it so it can 1 shot people with a headshot. It's not the greatest accuracy for one tapping people.
The M4A1 is suppose to have better recoil, making it easy to control a burst shot to kill people. Its more accurate for one tapping people too, although it takes two one taps to kill.
The AWP is perfectly balanced. If you miss a shot, you have a slight downtime, allowing your opponents to take advantage of that.


Molten Core Raider
I've always found the spray pattern from 1.5/1.6 to be far easier than CSGO/CS2, but as kinda said earlier the control on the first 6-8 rounds is more consistent in CSGO/CS2 compared to 1.6, while 1.6 has a more consistent first shot accuracy and/or tap firing; but the overall shooting style has remained mostly the same between both games, the angles and holds are what are dramatically different. At different points in my life, I have spent countless hours spraying walls, and doing aim_map/workshop maps trying to "master" spray control lol.

Main things I realize people don't.. I guess respect? is that often times when someone is doing the whole one-tap thing, they're just styling on you.. but often it is more because of poor positioning which is why playing off angles is more or less the go-to position; constant adapting. It's not really the most optimal way to play when its equal skill to equal skill, which is also why something like CS is really hard to get into as a new player; information and things are just known. Other thing is people often think that the perfect spray is one shot ontop of another, when the reality is; its just a model-sized box that you want to consistently land in because it is 4-6 hits to kill a person through the body.

The economy game of cs2 is kinda fucked at the moment due to MR12, but the reality of things is; MP9 is actually the most OP gun in the game for a few years now.. no actual change just price adjustments, util sets, and playstyle changes. It's also a necessary evil to keep CT/T win ratios relatively even. One thing that CSGO/CS2 has done really well is allowing other guns, and the use of chess match-like utility flourish to the front.. so there is a ton more interplay, on top of the overall skill ceiling is much higher.. just 7 years ago, people didn't know some of the most basic of line ups.. now the basic line ups are just common knowledge. Ontop of respecting the concept that HE Grenades are incredibly strong on CT side; do around 12 damage to any player on the terrorist with a nade, and the a1s or a4 is a headshotting monster.

Depends on how and what you want to play, I wish community servers had a better headsup for the tools and such because they've been in a shitshow for the last few years.

Decent vid, but there are a ton of moments/highlights from pro matches where the mp9 just decimates people over the last 3-5 years.


Shit Lord Supreme
I played a lot of source, more than 1.2-1.6

always loved to jump into Aim maps, rush a choke point the crosshairs straight at the ground and spray the room, could Ace an entire team in the opening seconds, and be called a hacker, fun times; obviously not a competitive strategy. Always preferred the AK for being able to go through helmets, over the plucky M4 aim


That guy
Haven't played CS in probably like 15 years. Remember playing really old betas when the M4 had a permanent scope and suppressor on it, alt fire was the slight zoom you got later from the Aug/SG552.