I don't give two shits at all about Howard's wife and her lost memories and everything about her Forrest Gump'ing her way through a two-world spy entanglement. The season is a bit weaker for spending so much time with her and so much less with Dan Quayle and Howard. altQuayle is pretty awesome though, wish we had more Prison time with him.
At the start of the show I thought the big reveal at one of the end of the seasons would be that there is a THIRD universe which is fucking with the other two, ala Fringe, but I think now the reveal at the end of this season is gonna be that there is another doorway. I still feel the two worlds scifi aspect of this show is woefully underutilized and more used as a tool to explore what the writers really want to explore, which is what are all the things that make you, you, and how tiny changes can have huge ripples. I just don't think its all that interesting so far though.