Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Seriously, you can't sensitive white male this bullshit away, you have to deal with the guy in his own language. He's a bully, and he's made you his bitch.
Not to get in the way of a good troll and all but really, more like this:

WebMD_sl said:
Schizophrenia Symptoms
Symptoms of schizophrenia may include:
Hallucinations -- hearing or seeing imaginary things
Delusions -- wildly false beliefs
Paranoia -- the fear others are plotting against you
Some symptoms, such as lack of enjoyment in everyday life and withdrawal from social activities, may mimic depression.


Just tell the landlard that you going to the housing Authority and reporting his ass for discrimination on your black ass... nah wait you cant do that cuz you ain't a Wakandan hahaha lmao


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not to get in the way of a good troll and all but really, more like this:
Yeah if the guy's legit crazy there's no remotely logical approach that is better than another. The real sticking point here is that the landlord gives zero fucks and won't take ham's side. I wouldn't expect him to kick crazy ass out or anything even, but at least be more down to earth and human with ham about what's happening. Instead he's dealing with a bunch of bullshit from the landlord on top of the crazy guy. Landlord could simply tell crazy "yeah, I'll talk to him" and just kick the can down the road that way, then take ham aside and talk it over. Instead he's using it as a chance to fuck with ham, which says there's other motivations at play on the landlord's end. Sounds like ham's about ready to move on if he sees a good opportunity, which is unfortunately probably the best idea.


...after I called the cops on this guy, she got involved to a lesser extent. She made a phone call to the landlord saying if anything happens to me because he won't take care of this that she's coming after x y & z of his, etc...
mommy's involved? oh snap, shit goin down.

seriously though,



Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm glad that one line can be the only thing some people take away from this encounter. INTERNET! But yeah, I knew what saying that would get me here, but my mom is like that and even asking her to stay out of it did nothing. She, being like most women in Texas, thought that if she just got a crack at the landlord and made a threat about my safety that something would change, she was wrong

The guy who suggested the beer thing: you're an idiot or a troll, plain and simple, hopefully the latter. I was buddies with this dude for 2 years, I fed his cats while he was gone, I gave him beer. He's a trainer so when I had exercise equipment I couldn't use anymore because of the lack of storage in this place I gave it to him. I even tried to be cool with him as this first started, it wasn't until I called him fucking crazy and called the cops did the dude back the fuck off me. He's either crazy, schizo or is on his way to something similar. His sister and his cat (he's a weirdo with his cats) died around the same time about 2 months ago. I had this big long talk with him about his cat and how he couldn't put her down on his own and all that shit (as in, shoot her in the face with his .22 like he does most rodents he likes to capture), he was seriously more beat up about that cat than his sister.

The dude is walking the streets with a flashlight at night and putting his ear up to people's walls. I don't know how he can even think that's sane if he's right. I told him flat out one day "what are you going to do if you find the noise 4 houses away, walk over there every time you hear it through the floor?"

Again, no doctor, but definitely the webmd version of a shizo. From the sounds nobody hears, to knowing what time me and Tino come and go from the complex, to saying shit like "I know what you two are trying to do" and shit. The guy thinks we are out to get him and we're just in the boat of wanting to be left the fuck alone at this point. I found a place I would move into if I was pressed on it, so I'm not letting my landlord pussyfoot this bullshit anymore. I'm just glad he finally went batshit on someone but me again, as I feel it helped my leverage. I need to find my lease so I can highlight the part about a safe living environment and bring it with me


Lord Nagafen Raider
I asked the neighbor who got confronted today to call them, but he didn't. I may call just to file a report if he's willing to talk to them tomorrow. I need all this shit documented, especially if I get murdered


Next time he comes raging at you, or bangs on your door to "chat", turn on the voice-record app on your phone, and put it in your pocket. Get a recording of his crazy rage and you keeping your calm while being polite. Then take that to your landlord, then immediately after, to the police.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Next time he comes raging at you, or bangs on your door to "chat", turn on the voice-record app on your phone, and put it in your pocket. Get a recording of his crazy rage and you keeping your calm while being polite. Then take that to your landlord, then immediately after, to the police.
I've had a lot of time to think of what I'll do for the 'next time' and it's definitely going to be just recording him. Pretty sad I didn't have the foresight to record the night he went berserk, but I do have about 10 videos of him banging on my floor


I've had a lot of time to think of what I'll do for the 'next time' and it's definitely going to be just recording him. Pretty sad I didn't have the foresight to record the night he went berserk, but I do have about 10 videos of him banging on my floor
Do u got ne videos of your mama banging on your floor..??Lmao


<Prior Amod>
is the landlord more afraid of crazy, b/c crazy could bring in medical discrimination into it? if anything ham is a young unmarried guy, with a pet, that's like a landlord's top 5 worst demographic. To top it off his mom just called the landlord, now he has to deal, by extension his family, and not just his family, but a god dam mother.


privileged excrementlord
Keep calling the fucking cops. Also, use that money you've saved over the past two months rent and get yourself a shotgun. I mean shit, you're in Texas. Don't get murdered.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I seriously need to get a weapon for that just incase moment. I now understand guns


Still a Music Elitist
How do you live in an awesome convenient neighborhood and have this dude shoot shit in the backyard or something at the same time? Do people just shoot off guns regularly even in the cities in TX? That place is fucked up man.