Crazy Neighbor Need Advice


i feel for the poor woman. i have some neighbor that either has a vibrating chair or the biggest fucking dildo you have ever seen. the thing vibrates the hell out our bedroom, my wife thinks i am crazy but it is like poison to my ears.



It"s an interesting story; I need to know how it ends!

Just some random input: I can"t fall asleep with my computer on, unless I have a fan on to mask the noise it makes (it"s not loud, either). In which case, it"s easier to just turn it off. I"ve no idea why this is, other than I"m possibly tempted to go to my desk and start surfing/playing something/etc. and can"t just relax and sleep.

Also, I have a Linksys router that makes a very high-pitch noise, that can get very annoying; for some reason, I no longer hear it though, so...

Go Outside_foh

Usually you can acclimate yourself to anything. After moving to the country from the city I couldn"t get to sleep. It was too fucking quiet. I needed a fire truck, honking cabs, and an arguing puerto rican couple outside my apartment before I could fall asleep. But now silence and a few crickets do the trick.

This woman needs a punch to the face.


It has been eerily quiet here on the homefront--very uneventful. There have been no e-mails and no phone calls (from her or the LL) in the past few days. I sincerely doubt the problem is solved from her end...I guess it is just a waiting game until she has another epsidoe.

I"ll keep everyone informed as the drama unfolds.


Seriously, this drama is epic. I check up on this thread all the time. She just sounds like a Schizophrenic to me, hallucinations with the noise, and delusions about your family being the cause etc. Give that crazy woman some Depakote and send her packing.


I sometimes wake up at 6 am to the sound of my downstairs neighbor praying, she is pentecostal or something. It sounds a lot like she is having sex screaming "oh Jesus! oh Jesus!" but its seriously just her daily prayers, she even asked me once if her praying ever bothered me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kugbok_Fennin said:
Last time I checked, coffee is hot. Pretty sure McDonald"s has always labeled coffee on their menu as "Hot Coffee"

If I make coffee using whatever coffee maker you can buy from Target, Wal-Mart, etc, I"m willing to bet it comes out of the pot at 180-190 degrees no problem.
So how much money are you willing to bet here?


Ladies and Gentlemen, the paranoia continues... (because we knew it wouldn"t stop)

The following e-mails were sent to me by the LL to answer the questions...

From: the crazy neighbor
To: LL
Sent: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 10:58 PM
Subject: Vibrations tonight

Hello LL,

The vibrations have been back tonight, and went off (so far) at around 9:45. As is always the case, I am still awake at nearly 11:00 because I cannot fall asleep for some time after they cease. I cannot tell what caused them, but when they first began this evening, they were fairly strong under the floor next to the post that divides the living room from the dining room. As I told you after you left on Sunday, [ME] and [MY WIFE] were again shifting furniture right after you left. Whether or not this is related to the vibrations, I cannot say.

I am also still open to the idea that the heater is involved. It is entirely plausible to me that a heater, trying to bring an apartment that has been cold all day up to 70 degrees on a 28 degree night operates entirely differently than one at 1:00 PM on a Sunday afternoon on a 50-plus degree day, when it"s been on all morning, and that is then turned up to 80. The loads would be different.

But since [MY WIFE] is home tonight, I suppose that if they return to their normal schedule, tomorrow night will be the real test. Then, if things proceed as usual, and if it is the computer, or if it is the heater, or if it is the computer and the heater, the vibrations will come on early, and will be present and keeping me awake until she comes home, after which it will be some time before I can fall asleep.

I cannot go through losing sleep, night after night, again. I hope we can come up with a way to trace the source, once and for all, and then, to remedy it.

the crazy neighbor
A second e-mail followed shortly after (well, in the early AM)

From: the crazy neighbor
To: LL
Sent: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 5:12 AM
Subject: Wednesday night

Hello LL,

As I told you in my email to you last night, [ME] is back, and the vibrations were back, and, whatever the cause, they kept me awake. After I sent you that email, I finally fell asleep some time after 11:30. This morning, I overslept my alarm, and I am groggy, tired, and staggering. It only takes one night.

As I said in my email to you last night, tonight will be the real test. Of course if things do proceed as usual, and [MY WIFE] goes out, and [ME] stays home*, whatever the cause of the vibrations, I will be kept awake until late. And depending upon when [MY WIFE] comes home, this could be 12:00 a.m., or later.

Please, please, let"s try again to discover the source. As I expressed to you after our Sunday test, whether or not [ME] moved something that pertains to the vibrations before you were here, whether or not the vibrations are coming from a computer that [ME] built himself, and that may be missing some essential part, and whether or not the vibrations are coming from a heater that is laboring against much colder temperatures at night, the circumstances are quite different at 1:00 p.m. on a busy Sunday afternoon with a busy street outside and 5 people in the house, than they are at night, when the world quiets down, and a house should be still and silent, when one is trying to fall asleep.

the crazy neighbor
*I"m kind of scared what it implies that the entire apartment is shaking when I"m home alone...

My response.


I can probably narrow down the 9:45 pm vibrations. We went to the Market Basket to try to get Ben&Jerry"s new Americone Dream ice cream. We got there about 9:20 (it was closed) and we returned home at 9:45. So that was probably us just coming in the house.

After that we sat down and watched a movie (around 10:20 because the movie was only 1hr 40 min long and it finished up just before midnight).

I didn"t boot up the computer at all last night and the heat would have been running at ~ 72F from 7pm - midnight.

As to the accusation about moving the furniture--we obviously didn"t. You are certainly welcome to come check it out--not a single thing has changed.



whether or not the vibrations are coming from a computer that [ME] built himself, and that may be missing some essential part
...Hahah. I can"t think of any "essential part" that could be missing from a computer to make it vibrate. Does she even realize that computers are ELECTRONIC and not these massive machines with a billion moving parts? Fans and hard drives are the only things that make noise, and 99.99% of hard drives are quiet as a mouse these days.

It was already proved that the computer isn"t the cause of it and the fact she"s STILL trying to say it is is a big red flag that something isn"t right about the whole situation. If your entire day gets fucked up for missing an hour of sleep you suck ass.


You know, a nice camera phone pic of the crazy neighbor would be good for a frame of reference! I am sure the resident photoshop peeps could have a bit of fun as well.



look we all agree that she want"s your pole.

we all like nekked pics.

1+1 = tell her your wife is going somewhere for the weekend and you"re going to be lonely. Then lay some pipe, write fohss on her body and take pics (and of course post them).


I can"t believe you"re still putting up with this. A few weeks ago I would"ve kept it up for the amusement factor, but now it"s just retarded.


The nice thing is that the LL has all but exonerated us from any sort of responsibility. So now we are just going about our business waiting for the e-mails from the crazy neighbor--personalized entertainment on demand...


Awesome! When I saw stehle"s post this morning I dropped the baby food and let the kid feed his damned self! Emails too! What glory!

But yeah, man you are one tolerant dude! At this point I would have sent a very nice email telling her to fuck off and not to disturb us anymore. If she has issues, take them up with the LL directly and let them sort it out.

You, sir, are a paragon of virtue!

On the upside, your virtue keeps us internet-tained! Awesome.

Can"t wait till the next installment - you know, the one where she points out that "the little people" are the ones moving the furniture.

P.S. Man, she is one crazy kook. What, does she think you guys move the furniture around nightly just for kicks? What a fuckhead.


Murder Apologist
Actually, from the sound of those posts, she wants to fuck your WIFE and just get you out of the way. Pics asap.