could someone explain to me what a credit score is and how it's calculated? here in socialist EU if I want to lease a car for example, all I have to do it give the bank my income info for the past 12 months and that's it.
It's just an accumulation of your credit history. Number of open credit lines - credit cards, loans, and closed credit lines (car, home, school, personal loans paid off). Plus your length of credit history, payment status (do you make payments late?), credit inquiries (too many inquires without corresponding new credit lines is bad - means banks/whoever isn't interested in loaning to you). IE do you have a good history of paying back money you borrow, and being responsible with your credit lines.
It's kinda stupid in some ways. As per most modern persons, I live off a credit card I zero out monthly so I can get my cash back reward (might as well, it's baked into all prices these days and you'd be foolish to leave that money on the table). But the larger your current credit card debt is as a percentage of your total credit limit between all lines, the more it's negative for your credit score. And this is reported monthly. So me for instance, I have $11k or so credit limit between 2 cards. Monthly I run up $1500-$2500 on one card as normal living expenses. So every damn month, my score takes a dive as I use up to 25% of my available credit (bad), yet I pay it in full every.single.month (good). I'm constantly yo-yo'ing between 790-805 credit score. Last month I put my gal's surgery on my credit card, and I lost 9 points. Even though I'm going to pay it in full in 2 weeks, it'll take longer to regain those 9 points than it did to lose 'em. In the scheme of things it doesn't even matter, but it's just one of those things that makes zero sense.
850 is max score, but the various tiers of shit, ok, good, awesome depends upon who's looking at the score. And some businesses divide it into 5 categories instead of 4. Long and short of it is, the higher the score, the more likely to get a loan, and the lower the interest rate (because you are less of a liability). Also, many home/apartment rentals and some jobs will look at your score to decide to rent to/hire you. The latter should be illegal imo, but it is what it is.